
Santorum On His Knees With Rich Texans

That he is and they love him - all praise jeebus.

Yup no shit - it couldn't get much better in a system that now is totally corrupted.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/02/24/139812/santorum-woos-the-wealthy-in-exclusive.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Rick Santorum, on his knees fellating Rick Perry, is my guess.

    If by some horrible cosmic joke, Frothy wins the GOP nomination and defeats Obama, I can easily see a Rick Perry VP.

    These religious loons are two peas in the same pod.

  2. Sanscrotum will be an also ran.
    Expect a new face after this weeks primaries.

  3. BIZZARRO WORLD boys. I think Jebber is better than 50 - 50 to come and save Merka.

  4. They have a couple of other boyz already lined up.
    The old guard knows they can not win with this field of insanos.
    They had painted themselves to far to the tea party right during the primaries already.
    O is lucky that he has these nut balls to contend with.
    If the economy hits the shitter, or if Iran is attacked, O loses no matter what.
