
What A Prick/Horses Ass Etc.

He don't give a shit so why would anyone vote for a man who espouses all those positive traits wrongly given to "believers" who don't care squat about the poor.

Romney said Wednesday that he's "not concerned about the very poor"

Many poor will still vote for this asshole - bet on it!


  1. GMTA. I blogged this too.

    Isn't it interesting how these profoundly religious types don't give a damn about the poor?

    The poor, the elderly and the disabled are a nuisance to elites like Romney. Same with the Bush clan and St. Reagan.

    I hope voters get it right in 11 months. I shutter to think what this country will be like if they elect Magic Underwear Mitt.

  2. It's no surprise as this is where the right is coming from Nothing new. What is newer anyway is how they get the very people that are harmed by these 1&er's to vote for them.

  3. Worst of all, Mitt utters these words in the name of a peasant from Nazareth, who said, "Blessed are the poor and woe unto the rich."

  4. Mitt never said anything of the sort, he is LDS, not a christian.

  5. did anyone hear the entire interview?
