
The Day After

The first chance to get some good things done today. Biscuits and gravy a side of bacon and some excellent hot chocolate for three bucks plus a tip are the first order of business but that's 40 miles up the road and I'm hungry.

Need to renew the 'ol drivers license which can't be done online - well because there's too many years under the belt and I suppose they want to see if you're still able to walk and talk.

But what I really want is the $10 lifetime senior national parks pass that also has other benefits other than just getting in free. This is huge for me. The down side is that the only reason this is such a deal is that they know that at this age you're gonna croak sooner than later so they're not out that much. Seriously I will be happy to have this.

I don't have to buy a fishing license any more either and the fishing stuff is coming along too. There's supposed to be three miles of the Arkansas that is public. We'll see. It's gonna be 70 easy today.

Have a good one.  


  1. 70? Oh, that sounds nice. So does biscuits and gravy. That park pass does sound like a good thing. J,B in Moab, uses it constantly, being so close to Arches and other NP's. Do you have any spring trips planned for that way?

    Those turbines really surprised me with their size close up. They are Huge!

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Not quite yet. Two years ago it was like this. And yes I am very antsy to go but friends asked me to help them do some things so I have to do that. All I have to do is throw some food and a few other things in and I'm ready.

  3. Back when I got mine, it was called the 'Golden Age Passport'. And it is!

    You have to be able to walk and talk in order to drive. I didn't know that! ;)

    1. The bcard says"Senior Pass" and it was reaaal easy and took two minutes. Not so much so getting the old drivers license renewed.

  4. Turbines are probably heading for Kansas...we're full of hot air!!! I got my senior pass and love it! Have a fun day and enjoy your biscuits and gravy. Thinkin you just might be looking for reasons to go eat breakfast. hahaha

  5. Ain't being old just grand?


  6. Thank you for the yuk yuks ladies. Right now it is fun without question. I had another great day in Pueblo. The locals are very nice! Plus - - - I found a Vietnamese/Chinese joint and the biscuit and gravy was outstanding. You betcha.
