
How Much

I'm curious as to how much the Pigboy has paid his former wives to keep their yaps shut as to just how vile a human he really is.

Maybe nothing too as they might be so embarrassed to let many others know they even knew this humanoid POS.


  1. You must understand the Newtster.
    One afternoon he was master baiting his fishing pole.
    He saw a fish hole, then he saw two, lo and behold he saw three fishing holes.
    He knew then and there that he had to dip his fishing pole in all three fishing holes.

    The party and speakers of moral values have no morals.
    They only have desires. LOL

  2. Hey, Fly, Newt and Rush are giving us a bad name. We sexagenarians aren't all bad!

  3. Hell no we're not. And that includes that RZ guy above too. We're just nice guys.
