
Washing Clothes Could Become A Crime

That's a stretch for sure but for a long time when buying soap just said to myself who in the hell can afford to pay so damn much for something called Tide.

It's a big deal all over and people are stealing it in some places as fast as they can put it on the shelves and drug dealers are accepting Tide as payment. Yup you read that right. Will end users have to show proof of ownership if asked by the pulice. After all stolen property being used to buy contraband. What to do what to do.

Me I've been using that real cheap "Made in Mexico" powered stuff. Works real good for me and smells nice too.

The horror!


  1. Tide doesn't wash clothes any better than any other detergent. The high price of Tide is a good example of how much people are willing to pay for a 'brand name'.

  2. Tide is probably laughing all the way to the bank.

  3. Most of Procter & Gamble's products have something to do with the alimentary canal---from Crest on one end to Charmin on the other.

  4. A couple of years ago, I got a cold. It migrated to my upper respiratory tract. Annoying tickle, cough and night sweats. Long story short, I went to the drug store to buy some Robitussin to make it drain/dry/go away.

    I had to produce a photo ID to the check-out clerk who wrote my name and drivers license number down on a form. I saw like, "Seriously, I have a cold, I'm not a smoker, a drug addict or a terrorist?"

    The clerk rolled her eyes and apologized and said it was a STATE REQUIREMENT. To buy Robitussin. I guess I'm in a data base now because I caught a cold.

    Welcome to Police State America.

  5. Maybe lowering the price would stop this stupidity.

  6. The only decongestants that actually work for me are that way too, I gotta give'em everything but my mother's maiden name to buy'em. Fuckin' war on (some) drugs is just completely outta hand, yo.

    - Badtux the Gruntled Penguin
