
This Morning

Yesterday a sustained wind of 35+ and this is what it was like a while ago at 6:15am real time. Supposed to be sunny and 55 tomorrow. We need the moisture. There will not be much happening outside today if anything. Coyote's are on the prowl.

This is a high quality video sent to me from a friend whose job is to make these things. Since we're into the winter mode today check out this recent heliskiing piece done recently in Alaska. It's real good!



  1. LOVE THE HEADER! We didn't get any snow that stuck, but it did clean up the air. For which I am very thankful for. Enjoy your moisture!


    1. There's another from the same place again today Linda. Thanks for that!

  2. It's strangely mild here. The winter that wasn't, which is intriguing. The effects of climate change is undeniable (sorry, Willard but what is, is). Watched the destructive, early spring supercell tornadoes sweep over Dallas on TV, tossing semi trucks into the air like toys. Our "new norm" is earlier, more powerful weather events and more heat. The Great Erie Lake didn't freeze and this means it will start to evaporate.

    1. I agree Christopher and take the same position on climate change as I do politics in that it's too far gone to get back. And to this day an intelligent discussion on climate change is not possible in our government on this planet killing event.
