
Nascarions Continue To Cry In Their Warm Beer

UPDATE - Just saw this-NASCAR-military tradition faces congresswoman's effort to cut sponsorships

From over four years ago this post went up here on the dwindling money train from Detroit to oval tracks of car racing mainly in the south. The dismal numbers continue to decline. Hey it's Daytona!

No shit Cisco! I say even rednecks are tired of it. The economy is a factor sure but I say there is a more important reason - IT'S BORING!

It boring because of corporate influence it's just that simple. Boring because these cars have been made so equal most of the time it's just pack racing. They have turned these events into something resembling Pro Wrestling and we all know who loves to watch that. Even that hasn't helped the numbers. Since the demise of the driver of car #3 with many changes made the sport has gone downhill quickly.

Even if their god had a team he wouldn't be able to make a pass without a push from behind and I don't give a shit what anyone says that ain't racing.


  1. I've never been to a nascar race. Just not something that ever interested me. Warm beer, heat, smell of tires, round and round, no sign of nature (cept the redneck beer wobler) hmmm...just doesn't do a thing for me.

  2. "redneck beer wobler"

    Now that is funny!

    I have evolved over the years but still like the smell of burning rubber not just in the morning but anytime.

  3. Likewise, I've never attended any NASCAR event. I am not displeased that the sport is (apparently) declining.

  4. There are those who live and die by NASCAR...not me. We have a roundy, round track here and interest in declining in that area. Although, we attend.


  5. We're supposed to host mud races on the farm this fall. No cars, humans on their own feet running a race through mud and other obstacles. I think it's an event that's a cross between mud wrestling and marathons. But of course this is California. It may be a while before it becomes popular in the south.

  6. http://warisacrime.org/content/should-military-use-our-sponsor-nascar-teams

  7. For what it's worth, I lost interest in NASCAR when they went away from "stock" cars. As you said, what they are performing now isn't car racing to me.

  8. I'd go to a local oval race and that would be fun. I think everyone should go see a national drag racing event where big money did the right thin and just made them faster. So fast they only run a 1000ft instead of a quarter mile. That ain't drag racing. A drag race is for a quarter mile. But it isn't boring.

  9. Race here, race there.
    Why is everyone in such a hurry?
    Lets slow down and rethink the human race.

  10. Hey - I was just checking the fire maps and noticed that there are several fires in Colorado. Hope that you are safe. I'm still over at TPZoo. Cats

    1. Good to hear from you cat's. Fire situation is about over for now. I stopped over at the Zoo.

  11. The asshole who came up with the restrictor plate should have been publicly flogged.
