
Please Pay Attention

Bad shit happens that is just part of life. But some of the bad doesn't always have to. Like the cell phone deaths recently. The "golfer" whose ball stuck and killed a maintenance worker that was called an accident. And now this. 

On top of that initially someone took this kid away and an adult said he was driving. What in the hell are people thinking. My heart goes out to these families.

For instance with golf or a ball game of some sort if you are in the area and in this case a ball is about to be put in play you need to be aware of that and not - repeat not take your eye off of it until it's out of play.

I'm not saying these two ladies didn't see this coming but what I am saying is that be aware of what's going on around you in situations like this.

I trust no one on any road and try to see every car around me. I try the best as I can to not be the cause of a bad accident because of reasons like this. It's like a ball in play in that you dare not take your eye off it. We all do but it has to be at the right time.


  1. That is one stunning header! You need to use it for a Sunday Stills sometime.

    As for accidents on the road...everyone needs to take care. You are so right.


  2. OMG yes!!! I see close calls every time I drive anymore. Love that header!

  3. Because you're a horse girl. These horses run free but just hang out there. Is that normal?
