
Amendment 64 Is Huge

And at this time it's leading in a new poll.

A majority of Colorado voters support a ballot measure to legalize limited possession of marijuana, according to a new Denver Post poll.The poll found that the measure, Amendment 64, has the support of 51 percent of likely voters surveyed, compared with 40 percent opposed. Men favor the measure more than women, a common gender split on the issue. But 49 percent of women polled said they support the measure, compared with 39 percent who said they are opposed.

Talk about the world coming to an end this just might do it.


  1. Replies
    1. Certainly a possibility as well TMoon. Anything but da pot.

  2. Well Good Luck .I Hope It Happens, but I,m reminded what someone once said of The British Conservative Party ,"They Will Always Play By The Rules,But Reserve The Right To Change Them If They Look Like Losing......."

    1. The nonsense already being said plus the threats of federal law trumping state law and that nonsense. It would be a start if this passed. Bama would send his goons for sure. Like you say - anything is liable to go on here in these next few weeks.

      Thanks for the visit Tony!

  3. SNOW! Winter is coming...I'm NOT ready! EVER!


  4. There was never much at all that I liked except for small game hunting possibly. You just deal with it and for me it was to stay warmer than colder. Who knows it may not snow but it will still be winter.
