
He's Wrong

Happy I don't know jack shit and that we have staved off the hard core crazy's for awhile longer again. In the big scheme of things not much has changed as you know. Will this make DC  work better? You would think possibly the Right would understand we need some good legislation but looking at the % points for Obama in the red states no way do these states want the people they put in office helping this man. May I not know jack shit again.

On the good side my state Colorado and Washington legalized da pot. The feds will fight back assuredly and municipalities will do as much as they can to negate this vote but no matter what this is HUGE.

To me it seems with these wins we have reached the crest of the hill and are on our way albeit still a very long one to the end of prohibition against marijuana.

It's a better day in America and I'm proud to say I live in a state that made this choice and like the state just to the south of me - New Mexico that they (to be fair it was not me) chose light over darkness with Obama!


  1. I suppose a shred of hope is better than none...

    I'm very glad for the choice made in Colorado.

  2. I'm not really that negative but it's that realism that's gets in the way so much.

  3. Soon that cat will be seeing YOU!


  4. good job Colorado! and that cat on your header is beautiful :)

  5. They're already trying to implement ways to screw the people.

  6. For the past 4 years in California we've had to put up with the same Republican nonsense that's occurred at the national level...so many things that needed to be fixed and the Repubs refused to cooperate. The evangelical and tea party stuff didn't go over very well, either. So, not only did California pass a bill to raise its own taxes, but we also threw out a bunch of the Repubs and now have a supermajority of Democrats. This has pretty much made the Repub party irrelevant in this state. Not that the Dems are any better, and thank heaven we have a fiscally responsible guvnor. Living in the west, it's hard to understand the midwest and southern mentality,

    1. Good on you guys Jan! I think most of the reason is directly related to religion.
