
bama And The Dims Talking Climate Change

This is pure BS. Few get it. How long has it been. Nothing will happen. It's another a diversion. A ploy used to divert attention from how deep the pile is we're standing in with the glimmer of hope that good can come for once.

Climate change, it seems, is no longer a dirty phrase for Democrats to disavow. President Barack Obama promised in his second inaugural address to respond to climate change

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/01/25/181069/obama-sounds-strong-on-climate.html#storylink=cpy

Kinda like thinking the senate was going to change the filibuster. Never was that going to happen either.


  1. California, New York, and sometimes Washington, Oregon and a smattering of northeast states may be the only hope we have of slowing climate change. When Calif. makes a law, they have so much power the auto industry, the food industry and others must follow. Even other nations sometimes adopt Calif. environmental and consumer protection laws.
    I am optimistic that Obama will do something, something more than token. Lets hope. In the mean time, give to the NRDC, and rage.

  2. Current temperature here in Kansas is 64 (Kansas in January???) Afternoon highs are expected to be in the 70's... just sayin...

  3. I hope too tyf even though it may not seem like it. It's warm today here as well and it has not rained in the three weeks I've been in Costa Rica. It's dry for sure.

  4. I forgot to say my hope level is not very high. If say for instance we would picked up a no brainer like changing the filibuster rule that would be a big help in the optimism department.

    I have a hard time remembering when we chalked up something like that for our side. Somebody let me know when we get one.

  5. Love that header!!!


  6. All I had to do was go over there and read the title. I think we all understand the answer to the question. I can tell you how this will be played out unless we the people get off our duffs and do what needs to be done. Sure it's hard but better voluntary than enforced-thru-extremely-negative-consequences, am I right?

    Yes, you can read my mind. Anyway, why are we waiting for THAT loser to stop lying to us? He's a terrorist and a mass murderer. (Don't they make them charming, these days?)

    One Fly, please feel free to edit this comment or delete. I understand.

  7. P.S. Did you know that, apparently, the real estate market for the wretchedly wealthy is booming? BOOMING!?! Did anyone else see that? I laughed, heartily and derisively, til I puked. Good times, good times...

    1. No I'm not going to delete your comment. I've said much worse about the chimp. The man is very bush like. That is a fact.

      A few weeks ago in Pueblo,CO actually saw a few houses under construction.

    2. The man is Bush on steroids! I bet he doesn't have much of a relationship with Lance though. I laugh.
