
When The Cover Is Closed

Meaning after this is posted will board an airplane for a return to Costa Rica. To a different place and hopefully for a bit longer.

I am going to step way back from blogging here at OTC. Will be back anytime from now. Gonna see how it feels stepping away for awhile. Been at it even before Dubya stole the election. I'm sick of it. Not of blogging but the nonsense.

I don't even want to see headers of any articles for a while and that means not reading the great places I link to. I encourage those who come by to check out the link list on the right. We are not wrong.

Going to try and take decent pictures about what might be interesting in daily life and just put the crazy shit away for a bit.

Right now I plan on hanging out at the Picture Place. Again Stretch will be on guard while I'm gone. There are no colors to be found these days here but that's about to change. When the sun comes up in the morning the greens in CR will be very intense. Tomorrow morning I'll be seeing that green.

Thanks for coming by!!
Later OF


  1. Ditto to RZ, and hope you have a wonderful time.

  2. We'll keep an eye on your picture place. Take care!

  3. I feel ya' on "puttin' the crazy shit away for a bit". May take that step myself, 'cause it's like Roseanne Rosannadanna used to say ... "It always SOMETHING!" heh
    Take care One Fly, recharge in Paradise, leave the doctors alone this time .... and come back to us safely ....

    1. Thanks bj. Unfortunately Hulu does play down here. First day okay.

  4. Have fun!


  5. Hope you're having the best time ever.

    Love you, baby!


  6. Via Con Dios, my friend.

    See ya on the next big job.

  7. yay one fly!!! i hope ya come up for air every now and then and let us know you are doing ok... i'll be checking the picture place
