
'Miracles Really Do Happen, god Is Good :)'

On one of the three kidnappers Facebook page. I can only imagine what he thinks is a miracle.

He was a "good guy". He was this - he was that. I could care less.

Please can we get this out of the limelight quickly instead of showing the rest of the world just how exceptional we are and how important it is to have a god involved to point us in the right direction.

Meanwhile we have a totally dysfunctional government with many who are in it who believe in miracle's from the same guy the kidnapper does.

This shit ain't right and it's plain to see the god thing doesn't cut it. I share in the happiness of these girls. It's ended and they survived. That looks huge right now from here anyway.


  1. It's very good. We are not wrong. Thank you for that!!

  2. Amazing...good to hear such a story. Sad that they were held captive for ten years, but good that they're alive. Now for the trial...

  3. who said anything about a trial

  4. I never cease to be amazed at what human beings do to each other.

    Having often written that religion is like a Rorschach test, in which people see whatever they want to, things like this make it pretty clear that it's a big confirmation bias, too.

    1. Forgot to mention, love the butterfly pic. I've never seen one like that in the US of A.

    2. There were a fair amount of these that's the only reason I got a picture. Few even landed of any kind.

  5. The "this is good"video is very good and I'm going to put it up. There is no reasoning even with the truth.

  6. Love the headers, as always!

  7. Impressive header. I think its time that I shut off the news again. So much news is bad -- government, media, psychos etc. I need a mind rest from it all. An overdose of all this can test ones sanity so here goes -- click! -- barbara

    1. Been about a week since I've seen any and better off for it for sure.

  8. geeze, this is exhausting isn't it, how the god thing gets run out in any and every disaster as the "good thing, the miracle, the proof". Well the miracle would have been if he had prevented evil instead of setting it up as a contest in the human mind. Anyone with a splinter handled hoe could have killed the snake in the garden, but he didn't, instead blaming the whole thing, for ever after, on women.

  9. You see - banging my head on a rock as I type that. Common sense/science and everything else is out the window when it comes to this.
