
The I-80 Gestapo Challenge

I don't know if many saw this as I did just one time. I find it dramatic as an example of what can be done by these people who carry the guns at a nation wide level at any time if it's decided to do so. Take a look at some of the numbers.

15,985 citations
-12,389 warnings
-162 impaired drivers arrested
-92 drug charges
-Nearly $2.5 million in drugs confiscated

These cops and you can bet a variety of other players and tactics as well swooped down and literally used the "show me your papers" tactic that works so well for those who want to see  my/our papers. If you do not there will be a price to pay for that.

Here is a bit of rhetoric from the ones who have dictatorial control over you and me -

The I-80 Challenge was designed to target traffic safety in an effort to save lives.  Through their efforts however, officers were also able to apprehend numerous subjects utilizing I-80 for criminal activities.

Don't shit yourself because it's about the drugs and also a test run for other crap coming down the tube. I wonder of the thousands who were detained used tactics shown on You Tube and refused to answer and were allowed to go.  

For one I'm tired of being perceived as a criminal and someone to fear from these fucking bully's with with badges and guns including a license to kill. 


  1. I certainly understand where yer comin' from but so far, Fly, I don't feel I'm being perceived as a criminal by LOCAL law enforcement. I still feel like a "citizen" of my community. Most of the cops around here wave, nod, or at least lift a finger off the steering wheel in salute when we pass each other(not THAT finger!). That said .... traveling between here and my Dad's home two states away, is another matter altogether, and because of the vehicle I drive I get "the hairy eyeball" from every blacked out white SUV werking for ICE on the interstate between here and there. Seen a lotta folks of color stopped and everything inside their vehicles being picked through on the side of the road too. So far I haven't been stopped ... but with my attitude, when I DO get stopped, I'm sure a shootin' (or at least a pistol whuppin') will take place. The Badge and the Gun too often seems to elicit Fife syndrome ... especially here lately .....
    Another simply LOVELY header photo, there, Fly! How DO you do it?

    1. A give them agree on the LOCAL cops. I just stay so far away from them as not to give them a chance. Like you say it's the interstate stuff that I worry about. All one of these badges has to say is that he "thinks" he smells the ganga. Thinking is plenty to really mess a persons life up because after one of them says that you have lost your rights to say no to a search.

      Before I moved recently quite a lot of my bike riding was around the interstate. I'm stopped on an overpass having a bit of water when a highway Peetrol guy pulls up and asks me if I'm okay. I wanted to say - no I'm dead and waiting for someone to jump on. What the fuck does it look like I'm doing. He didn't give a shit about my well being but just had to make contact. It used to be much worse because this interstate (25) is a corridor for da drugs. A straight shot up from Mexico.

      The Peetrol spots their Hazardous Waste Inspection Truck at least that's what I think it is somewhere on the interstate I suppose from Pueblo south to the state line or something like that. It's spotted at a central location because it's going to be used. These badges are going out and making reasons up to stop trucks in this case so they can fuck with somebody that to them looks suspicious.

      This is not a guess but is what they do and no one says boo. I got a huge problem with this. I went through a drug check 40 miles of the border four years ago. It was just fucking horrible and scary.

    2. Forgot the picture thing and have not taken many really good ones lately. I have been at this cemetery quite a few times and I forgot this was taken in July. You have a good chance of getting something here because there's a bunch going on. In this case this area is just inherently pretty at certain times of the day and year. The other thing is I always have a camera on me with a battery that is charged and at least one extra. Reading the manual helps too.

    3. "Reading the manual helps too." Yeah .... that's what Squatlo keeps telling me. "Ain't nobody got time fuhdat!" I don't know anything about photography,(art,politics,people,etc.,etc.) ... but I know what I like! heh heh heh


