
Tigger kicks ass

SAN DIEGO - Tiger Woods joined the King, and left everyone else at the Buick Invitational feeling like paupers. In his most dominant start to a season, Woods built an 11-shot lead Sunday until his game and the fickle weather turned cold on the back nine. A birdie on the last hole gave him a 1-under 71 and an eight-shot victory, giving him 62 for his career to tie Arnold Palmer on the PGA Tour list
This guy has the talent to win every one he enters by this margin. Up by 11 and won by 8 strokes. This track is so easy. Let me play from the whites and I'll get it around just fine and I admit to being a shitty golfer. So many hate this guy. I want him to win a lot because it pisses so many off so bad. Wonder what a hangman's noose feels like shoved up your ass? I support this cover but they fired the poor bastard for pointing out the racism in this business. And in this business you can goddamn well bet those that fired support this administration as well. Fuck em all.

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