
9.5% Increase In Fuel Mileage

The original post on this subject is here. The average mpg before the using this additive is 28.5 mpg. The second post is here.

Started 4/20 Ended 7/13
The Car 2000 Subaru Forester manual transmission
13 fill ups
Price Range $3.50 to $4.30 a gallon
Average price per gallon $3.95
MPG range 28.3 to 35.4
Total miles driven 5156
Total gallons 165.4
Average mpg 31.2
Increase of 2.7 mpg which = 9.5% increase in overall fuel mileage
Total spent $656.53
5156/28.5=180.9 gal x 3.95 = $714.60
5156/31.2=165.3 gal x 3.95 = $652.76
Savings of $61.84
Cost of product $17.50
Total savings $44.34
$44.34/13 fill ups =$3.41 less on each fill
Average gallons per fill up 12.7
$3.41/12.7 = a savings of 27 cents per gallon overall

These figures correspond to what others are saying they achieve with this product some more some less. Bought a quart used half of it and my brother is testing the rest to see if it does the same. Have a good idea of what mileage I'm getting and can tell without this stuff in this tank it is not doing so well. Real savings are seen of course with vehicles that get poor mileage because it adds up so quickly. Is it worth it? It takes a bit of effort to get the bottle out and measure the amount needed into the syringe to put in the tank. The syringe is extra but worth it or else it would be a pain in the ass to measure accurately. If bought in volume the price goes down from $35 a quart to $28 I believe. Also there is a ratio that uses less of the product that I have a feeling will achieve the same results. As the price of fuel goes up the savings become greater. So if I can stick $3.50 in my pocket on each fill for about a minute or so of effort I guess it's worth it. If my mileage does not drop back to where it was before I will say so and when it does I will be telling my brother to send that shit back and get your own.

In any case here is the link to CMH Industries.


  1. Hmmmm.Three quarters of a gallon of gas for that savings.
    A feller could run a generator or a lawnmower or such as that just for quite a bit with that.
    Maybe buy a cheap six pack of beer, I would have to call that a success!

  2. Great report! I've done a synopsis with full linkage over at my place.
