I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


Interesting Results On First MPG Test Using A New Additive

Several days ago wrote that I was going to try a fuel additive something I just don't do but did and what follows is what has been learned.

The parameters are these. Numbers rounded off to tenths except gas and that's to the penny.
28.5 is the average MPG that will be used for my car and that is being a bit generous. That drops at 80mph but it will not be driven at that speed any time soon. I drove no different than I always do and will drive the same as always.

Results of the first fill after additive was added
Started with a full tank with additive added to it. 28.2 was the mpg for that tank.

424 miles 12.3 gallons = 34.7 mpg
At 28.5 mpg that =14.9 gallons. a difference of 2.6 gallons
At $3.60 a gallon that = $9.36
It cost $1.09 for the additive which equals a savings on this tank of gas of $8.27
This equals a 23% increase overall.

I got as much damn gas in there as I could and am surpised to say the least. It's understood these results do not mean a whole hell of a lot not until there are more results but never the less this could prove to be very interesting.


  1. That's awesome! I'm definitely going to have to try some of that stuff. . .

  2. I will be very interested in following this out for awhile, get some more numbers.
    Still, pretty fucking impressive right out of the gate!

  3. I'll be another one watching.
