
Repugs Who Think They Are Entitled

Rudy Giuliani's son Andrew is suing Duke because he did not make the golf team. His golf scores were among the lowest on the team but he's so fucking special he and so many of these other right wingers seem to need special consideration when they don't get their way.. Face it punk you privileged little prick you are a shitty golfer compared to the others and don't deserve to be on the team. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that. I fucking hate golfers a lot of them anyway.


  1. What a punk.
    Daddy's money can't buy everything after all, WHAAAAAH!
    Not only do I hope they throw out his suit, I'd like to see him have to pay for the attorney's fees.

  2. this is the same brat that was so annoying during his creepy father's swearing in....

    what a family
    the acorn doesnt fall far from the rotten tree
