
She's Back

Being Bukola Bravely is back from holiday in her home country of Nigeria. I very much enjoy reading posts from West Africa having lived in Ghana for two plus years as a PCV. If it were possible for me to live there for a time I would be packing now. Pauline writes such good stuff I look for her posts daily. Bukola has put up several great pieces one about electricity that is relevant to here in some ways not just yet but in the future as our economy grows worse we will see our infrastructure and services deteriorate. Maybe this young lady will educate us somehow in the differences of our two country's and what is really important in life a perspective that can only come from experiencing it yourself. Americans think the rest of the world revolves around them. That is not the case and life here is changing and will continue to do so. So Bukola I beg you to post plenty o. In any case you may rest assured Lagos is jumping just now. Welcome back!

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