
Imbecile Monkey Doings

The bodies of at least 10 children and many more adults covered in blankets and white shrouds appear in videos obtained by The Associated Press on Monday, lending weight to Afghan and U.N. allegations that a U.S.-led raid last month killed more civilians than the U.S. reported.

There will be an investigation just like the thousands of others. Very similar to all the angry letters written in the last years by the Dims to punish those responsible. Hack hack.

Drunk monkey to announce 8,000 troops to return from Irak.

The sheep will swoon and the neo-killers will get wood. Surge worked-repugs know best-love Amerika better-McCrashalot and Babymaker are good for you. Intelligence is bad-science who needs it?

Repug party up 5 points in polling. How fucking dumb is this country?


  1. McCrashalot and the Babymaker, I like those :)

    I call the ticket McMooseturd.
