
Polling Is Over

OTC's official poll results are in and it appears by one vote Palin will be here for the duration by a 40 to 33% margin. I picked two weeks but what the fuck do I know.

It appears the McMooseturd ticket will be a viable one for the goose steppers on the right. Baby maker is actually going to be interviewed this week and you can damn well bet she will come out smelling like a rose for the most part with the assistance of McMedia.

There is one issue that bothers me more than anything else and that is creationism. The fact that a person who could be president of this country actually believes the earth is 6000 years old or whatever fucking number they put on it. The fact that this fallacy is given credibility of any sort boggles what's between my ears. Carbon Dating is mathematics pure and simple. Mathematics does not lie it is irrefutable and cannot be argued against unless those arguing are given the formum to do so and here that is done willingly.

What does this say about us as a country and a society the leader of the free world promoter of democracy and all that good horse shit but the reality is many are still living in caves. Just how fucking dumb are we as a people? We are in some deep deep shit with the latest poll showing a five-point lead for the Mc Crazy's although there is another lesser-known poll that shows BO up by eight and that number should be 88 if anybody had any fucking brains.

Look the fuck out!


  1. for the mooseturd ticket, some utah philips
