
Mississippi River Cats

Took a ride on the river bottom below Keokuk,IA on the Illinois side where 50,000 acres of cropland flooded. Stopped at this abandoned farm house and seven cats came out. Nicest damn cats and if I hadn't been a 1000 miles from home one of them would have been liberated for sure.

An example of just how high the water got.


  1. Your lead picture makes me sad - I think of all the hours some forgotten craftsman put into that boat and the enjoyment the owners had in its use - someone should restore it. I'd sure give it a shot.

  2. Love the boat! It looks like one I was lucky enough to row once. Three people could row it and it was sleek with scooped oars and it also carried a sail. Sea and farms that is me. Take care!

  3. Men,
    This boat was found along the Mississippi and is now a display at the museum in Dubuque,Ia.
