
Rove Congratulates Himself And Pats His Own Back

If Barack Obama wins it will be because he has beaten the Republicans at their own game, according to Karl Rove.

“I’ve got to tell you, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” Rove said in an interview. “I can say, I’m deeply flattered.”

What a huge piece of Texass wild boar shit this porker is. In my dreams this man will be one of the first to swing primarily for the outing of Valarie Plame. Throw his limp dick carcass on top of Novak's grave so the thistles have something to feed on.


  1. I hate to agree with Rove but he is exactly right! I have said for years that if we are to defeat the right we must beat them at their own game. He should know because he taught them. It is their disinformation juggernaut that must be beat!

  2. I was not clear at all here. We have not stooped to their level of dirty politics which is a major Rovian tactic to accomplish what they have hopefully anyway.
