
Not A Good Idea To Piss Off A Dictator

A missionary couple from Britain have been sentenced to a year’s hard labour in an African prison for calling the Gambian President a madman. David Fulton, a former army major, and his wife, Fiona, were convicted of sedition after sending critical e-mails about Yahya Jammeh, who seized power in the predominantly Muslim country in a bloodless coup in 1994.

They have lived there for twelve years but it came around and bit them. Bad guys become bad because they mean business.

Of course no one has been punished here for calling out our President. This is the United States ya know.


  1. Happy New Year to ya Bud.

    This world is one very fucked up place and it is fixin' to get worse.
    Keep yer head down and yer eyes peeled.


  2. Just stopped by to wish you and your visitors a Happy New Year.

  3. Thanks guys-same back at ya. tb
