

Generally there are no problems with making decisions. Exception is what to do with these next few days. Inclined to drive west and south and see what happens. I need pictures and have taken none lately. White is boring.

Entering this new year with a sense of forebode when most have an upbeat attitude and I do have positive feelings but overall '09 is going to be nasty.

Greetings of optimism for the year have added meaning.

Happy New Year to all and thanks for visiting! More importantly may this coming year be a good one for you and your family and our country.


  1. Have a happy New Year. There's plenty of color down here in New Mexico, but you know White Sands can be spectacular.

  2. Looking around the neighborhood! Happy New Year and beautiful picture. You live in a beautiful part of the country where an hour or two in any direction there are gorgeous scenes.
    2009 is going to be bad but we will get through it somehow. It drives me crazy bud but most do not have a clue. The shit with Gaza, our collapse, no coincidence but a plan and the timing of all this is no coincidence!Obama has been se3 up for failure so the right csn get back in and finish us off!
