
Scotland Yard Will Not Be Needed

Secretary of the Army Pete Geren says a task force studying murders committed by Fort Carson war veterans has not pinpointed a common cause. In November, The Denver Post reported that nine men from a single Fort Carson unit, the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, had been accused in 10 murders and attempted murders in the past three years.

OTC has posted on this previously. Sleuths have been digging vigorously to determine the reason for the outrageous amount of murders committed by Fort Carson soldiers. All the hard work went for naught as they came up empty handed.

This piece done by a Denver Post reporter is a perfect example of why newspapers are failing. Don't want to knock the apple cart over or cast doubt on the mission- can't have none of that let alone tell it like it is. I'm sick of this shit.

Did it ever occur that the "common cause" just might be Iraq?? Some if not all of these boys served there and it's fucking up a generation of young men and women that the rest of society will have to deal with for decades because journalists across the country refuse to report the reality of this debacle in Iraq and the ramifications of going to war on lies. Do your goddamn job and if the excuse is "it won't get printed" then go somewhere where you can write the truth.


  1. hi Bud!
    I remember that and if I remember that one of the murders involved 3 soldiers and they did just return from Iraq. It is the common denominator! It will get worse along with suicides and everything else because they will now concentrate on the worsening Afghanistan thanks to the so called success in Iraq!

  2. My question would be why more of them don't snap.

  3. It seems to go in spurts and seems clear this problem will be huge.
