
93 Year Old Frozen To Death

A senior citizen froze to death inside his home in Michigan after his electric company cut the power off for unpaid electricity bills. The chief medical examiner reported that he died “a slow and painful death.”

This hurts to see something like this happen and this company has to implement a procedure to insure it never does again.


  1. I'm not sure, but I think this violates federal regulation. Of course under Bushco who cared about federal regulation. It's going to take some time for Biznez to get back up to speed.

  2. Please.....Everyone has to make a tradgedy into their own political agenda. Get a life.

  3. First off monkey you can kiss my ass.

    Second it's not an agenda but a statement to make the procedure better. I also know the difficulties involved with the collection of money for services such as this so go fuck yourself. One Fly

  4. Lol.....get a job one fly.....I love pissing losers like you off. It makes my day! Thank you.

  5. Fucktards like yourself don't piss me off asshole.
