
Another Sign Of The Times

Nearly half of the 233 police agencies surveyed since the collapse of the nation's financial markets link increases in criminal offenses to the faltering economy, a new review by a law enforcement research group shows.

Another legacy left by the Emperor of Death as as the economy worsens so will these statistics. There won't be time to hire and train enough police for what's ahead. Oh-but we have those 20,000 battle hardened troops stationed here for just this type of thing. Member that.

Neighborhood patrols are gaining in popularity.

1 comment:

  1. as i used to say back in the day - bad economic times are job security for cops. all sorta crime rates go up - theft, burglary, assaults, arson, fraud. used to say christmas is the season to be stealing. the boosh years have left us worse than the usual january when all the christmas bills come due.

    job security for cops.
