
Bomblets Are Being Used In Gaza ?

UPDATE: These are not cluster bomb artillery shells but white phosphorous the same weapon used in Falloojeh. Here is the video. Unlike the big dogs there will be corrections when incorrect. White phosphorous isn't much of an improvement over bomblets and believe it's banned but what do I know. After work tomorrow I'll get something up on that.

In the two previous posts about this weapon was unsure they were being used. This video to me proves that they are.

In this a number of these shells are detonating above ground as in the picture used in the posts mentioned. Not until 3:45 do you see a number of secondary explosions and that's the key and you don't have to be an expert to determine this one. I say there were about 88 other explosions.

US, Russia, China, Israel, India and Pakistan didn't sign the treaty that would have banned the production and use of cluster bombs. They like them toooo much.

And what's behind this but religion. Plus you had the invisible cloud being here talking to the chimp. Most of the world it seems is religiously insane and it's not a joke. These insane people have lost their ability to reason but that does not in any way legitimize the use of cluster bombs.

We are in deep shit all the way around.


  1. only war criminals want the ability to drop cluster bombs--so all those countries should be written up for war crimes, no?

  2. Yes Lib but even though judgment was pronounced in this post there remains a bit of uncertainty. Look at the comment on the previous post.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Religeous enough to fucking spew burning phosphorous into the bodies of innocent bystanders makes me puke. I don't give a FUCK if you are a joo or a goddamned christ-o, you just. do. not. do. this. shit!
