
Got Things Going

Not a good start to the week. Water froze and car no start. Water froze up at work too. It was -26 and that is pretty damn cold. The lowest recorded temperature in the US happened in'82 or close to that in a tiny town some 75 miles west called Maybell. Lucky suckers got down to -62 or it may have been -64 but when it's that frigid a few either way don't mean shit.

Got a ride into work and proceeded to break out the welder. This has happened before and has caused mucho difficulties. We three braniacs last year started to shut off the problem area and drain the lines. We did not freeze up last year and had drained the system for the long weekend of New Years. Wasn't enough and we got part of it going but the other did not break loose. We'll be doing the same tomorrow and hopefully we can get water running all over.

Came to the house and the temp had risen to a balmy -3. Car started and the frozen line was a minor inconvenience. Added some insulation that should prevent it from happening again unless we get a Maybell. I've seen it -40 before and that kind of cold is dangerous.

All in all feel good things went as well as they did and consider myself lucky.

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