
Get Caught With Pot In The Cornfield-You Win The "Double Whammy"

Go read this thing. All I can do is shake my head.

Failure to have a drug tax stamp on the controlled substance will result in a charge, in addition to being charged with possession of the illegal substance.

Here are the fines and the stamps are only good for six months.

$5 per gram for processed marijuana
$750 per unprocessed marijuana plant
$250 per gram of any other controlled substances
$400 per 10 doses (pill form) if not sold by weight

To order drug tax stamps go to the Iowa Department of Revenue at Taxpayer Services, Hoover Building Fourth Floor, Des Moines, Iowa, or call (515) 281-8966 to make an appointment. Order forms are available online at http://www.state.ia.us/tax/taxlaw

And then they wonder why none are being sold.

Head is still being shaken.

1 comment:

  1. That has always made my head spin. Damned if you do. Damned if you do.
