
Surging Into Afghannystan

With pundits calling the "surge" a success in Iraq even with 14 US troops losing their lives last month we are embarking yet on another of the same.

"By introducing more U.S. capability in here we have the potential to change the game," Nicholson said.

Military officials say they have enough troops to win battles but not to hold territory, and they hope the influx of troops, plus the continued growth of the Afghan army, will change that.

More U.S. troops — 151 — died in Afghanistan in 2008 than any of the seven years since the invasion to oust the Taliban, and U.S. officials warn violence will probably intensify next year.

"If we get the troops, they're going to move into areas that haven't been secured, and when we do that, the enemy is there, and we're going to fight," said Nicholson. That fighting should eventually clear the way for security and governance to take hold, he said. "If you want to summarize that as it's going to get worse before it gets better, that's exactly what we're talking about," he said.

So sick of the bullshit. The only goddamn thing these war pigs know for sure is that it's going to get worse before it gets better. This is what we have to look forward to.

Have been looking for numbers of contractors In Afghanistan to see how it compares to Iraq but have not been able to find any. Probably fair to say it's substantial.


  1. An article in the NY Times about the universal graft in Afghanistan, up to and including Karzai's brother. Got to wonder what we are doing there after all these years.

  2. It's called kala bule some places in Africa. It does not go away easily.

    Determine the status of Bin Laden. If he's alive bring him to justice then come home.

    If he's dead come home.

    There's nothing good going to come out of this.
