
House Says No To Primates

WTF is going on here. For eight years they kept their own around even when he was a bad bad little chimp giving him everything that he wanted and saying nothing when he fucked up everything he got his hands on constantly shit on the Constitution you name it. Now this-they had their fun now they're taking it away for us.

In the wake of a highly publicized chimpanzee attack, the U.S. House made its first official move to ban humans from owning primates as pets.


  1. What a dumb idea. Anyone who has the facilities to take care of an animal ought to be able to. The problem is that many people don't. Require that they do, or that they give the animal up. We already have enough things that are illegal and shouldn't be.

  2. Typical knee-jerk response from the congresscritters. How about banning Jindal? He's a whole bunch more dangerous than the few chimp pets.

  3. Tom Delay needs distemper shots too.
