
Texas Sex Education Remains In The Dark Ages

In this day and age school kids deserve better when it comes to sex education no matter where they are at.

With religious crazy's in charge this is the kind of nonsense kids get. Borderline fucking criminal but when taught correctly for many kids this could be a major positive carried with them for the rest of their lives. Things learned that can be taught to their children as well. A start possibly to changing this country's attitude problem about sex. Why does their god want their kids to be so fucking dumb in this area?

The overwhelming majority of Texas schools use scare tactics and spread myths in place of teaching basic sex and health information that students can use to protect themselves and others, according to a report released Wednesday by watchdog group Texas Freedom Network.


  1. I take it they are an abstinence only State? That in itself is BS. Palin's daughter will tell you!

  2. I think school boards should be banned. Education in Texas is an oxymoron.

    Nice pic. Details?
