
One Less POS KKK Leader Is History

MOUNT HOLLY, N.C. – The man who led a Ku Klux Klan chapter in North Carolina that was involved in a deadly 1979 clash with members of the Communist Workers Party has died.

Of course like all these crazy right wingers and bigots this example of human shit proclaimed for years he was a real nice guy and never did any thing wrong.


  1. There was no "clash." There was, instead, a massacre. There was no shooting from the side of the marchers, only from the murderous fucks of the Klan.

    I don't think the South has changed that much.

  2. Glad you pointed that out Misfit. I never intend to go down to that area(The South) ever.

    And no it hasn't changed. Have a friend attending school in northern Florida and the shit he tells me you wouldn't believe. He can't wait to get out of there.

  3. See the modern day KKK in my ongoing documentary photo project Passing the Torch at www.kkkproject.com.

    Comments welcome.

  4. Thanks for the visit James and the link to your project.
    One Fly
