
OTC Charges Sheriff Lott

Damn straight there's a charge and a judgment already rendered.

"We do not believe we have enough evidence to prosecute anyone". Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott told reporters, adding that authorities are ending their investigation into Phelps

In this court of opinion after weighing all the evidence you have been found guilty of being a DUMB FUCKER pass all!!

The unfortunate part is that you and others like you are allowed to have a badge plus a gun. That in itself may not be as bad a being a closed minded sonofabitch.


  1. I agree! I would have to say public opinion is what changed his mind. Those ass holes piss me off. The guy won 14 fucking Golds as long as he isn't a pervert or something who the hell cares what he does.
    Did you ever read the book forever war? It cam out in the early 70s but the Government supplied pot to all the citizens. I thought hmm that is the way it should be!

  2. Ha. You'll like this article

    We Are a Nation of Junkies Hooked on Media-Fabricated Outrage By David Sirota, Creators Syndicate. Posted February 16, 2009.
    As the Phelps 'scandal' proves yet again, our narcotic of choice -- creating controversy where none exists -- packs a punch. Tools

  3. Yea Nunya I really enjoy it when a good writer tells it like it is and bitch slaps at will without using bad words. This was in last Friday's Denver Post and I was a bit surprised to see it.

    I would like my stimulus to be a 10lbs of Paonia Gold that has the government stamp "Legal for One Fly" on it Jim. Stuff I've heard about for years that I'm sure is non-existant by now.
