
Internet Recruitment Of Terrorists Was Bull Shit !

Remember how these treasonous bastards were saying terrorists were using the internets to recruit new members from all over the world to harm us? Well it appears it was another ploy using fear as the weapon.

From the International Center for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence (ICSR) in London. "Self-radicalization and self-recruitment via the Internet with little or no relation to the outside world rarely happens, and there is no reason to suppose that this situation will change in the near future," it said. "Indeed it is largely ineffective at drawing in new recruits."For years, governments and security agencies have warned that the Web was allowing extremists, particularly Islamist militants, to recruit and radicalize people to their causes.

These fuckers knew this back then too.

What this was about was gaining control of the web and they came close. We must never lose control of this entity or we will lose for sure against these religiously insane corporate Nazi scum bags!


  1. Should we have expected any less from those lying bastards?
    Fucking HELL NO! They lied about everything else, too! Pretty much the standard for the radical rightwing christian conservatard bastards.

  2. The free press is no more but we do still have the tubes to keep freedom's flame alive. I consider the bloggers very instrumental in keeping the spirit of freedom alive in this country.
