
This Number Is Scary

Colorado tax collections for March down 22%. The results were 13.4 percent lower than a conservative budget forecast. Corporate income tax revenues fell $24 million below projections, individual income taxes were off $32.2 million and sales taxes fell $2.9 million short of expectations.

Every state has it's own issues these days but with numbers like these Colorado may be in for some very rough times. Posts made here tell of the same locally. There are no jobs here and the mountain closes today but that doesn't mean a hell of a lot cause there are no tourists anyway.


  1. We are all hurting in every state. Wisconsin's tax collections are way down, too, which is making the $5 billion deficit even worse. State as well as county workers have been getting laid off, with no signs of being called back anytime soon.

  2. you are going to see roughly 20% of the economy gone for years because of easy credit. The remaining 80% are going to be careful with the credit.

  3. Portland and the surrounding areas got gut-punched again this week, economically speaking.Reading the stastics doesn't really tell the story let alone the truth. The problems are evident but no one has courage to propose and enact the solutions; to do so would be a class war resembling the worst of the Latin American conflicts. LOOK OUT!!!!
