
Nun's Say They're Getting Screwed In Dubuque

An order of nuns in Iowa lost more than $1 million on Wall Street because a Massachusetts bank improperly exposed them to risky subprime mortgages, according to a federal lawsuit.

The are 555 members of the Sister's of Charity with the average age being 78. The loss of the million dollars represents 5% of their portfolio. Who said penguins can't make money.


  1. That makes me laugh! Did you know you said that. I am sorry really that they lost money but an order of nuns said they got screwed! I guess they didn't like it!

  2. They lost 5% of their portfolio and this is supposed to bother me!?!
    I have no job and no retirement and I'm supposed to feel sorry for a group of nuns that still have $19,000,000 left!?!
    No fucking way will feel sorry for them!

  3. This is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the breakdown in fudiciary responsibilties of those entrusted with peoples's money over the last 6 years. Sad isn't it. Just sad what the power of greed can produce.

  4. Know what you call a cross-dressing nun?

    A Trans-sister...

    19 million divided by 555 = almost $35K each...and that number will increase as each sister reaches heaven...It's like a tontine, the shares of which increase by 60 bucks per nun with the demise of each one of them...
