
This And That

Spring has finally arrived and we opened yesterday the front nine only. Went and played nine and actually struck the ball well for not swinging a club since October.

There has been an increase of hits here at OTC because of a post over a year old and it concerns a murder. If you google these people there are just two choices that come up that have info and that is here and here. It's just a coincidence actually but it is a bit interesting.

Someone is following this in Beverly Hills and making comments. The first trial ended in a hung jury and was refiled this week. The shooter has retained a very high powered and well known defense attorney that cost big bucks. A rumor here says her daddy is a member of the Bulgarian mafia and I don't doubt it. Kind of fun to watch it play out here but it will be awhile before the second trial starts. UPDATE: It ain't a rumor-daddy is a Mafia type in the old country.

Another poll from the same bunch of crazy's as yesterday. Even though gay marriage is now legal in Iowa these god lovers can not stand it.

Do you favor a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman? Yes

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I'm very busy and if I've not been by that's why but thank you for coming by here. OF


  1. I still get hits two years later on my posts about our local District Attorney..and people are from all over the place reading them. Even his ex-wife asked me if I wanted to write a book on him, she would cooperate as she likes my style! Woot!

    The new Sean Penn-narrated documentary Witch Hunt is about our local DA..coincidence? I think not. ;p

  2. people just cant get enough of you
