This topic and thread is ongoing here
Beverly Hills: Jacob Lipson, a 51-year-old white man, was shot multiple times inside his home in the 9900 block of Durant Drive at about 12:05 a.m. Friday, March 14. He was declared dead by paramedics at 12:55 a.m. Authorities said officers with the Beverly Hills Police Department responded to a radio call of shots fired. Upon arrival, officers conducted a search at the home and discovered that Lipson had been shot multiple times with a handgun. An officer saw a woman walking to her car near Santa Monica Boulevard and detained her for questioning. "It turns out she was involved in the incident," said Lt. Tony Lee of the Beverly Hills Department. Eleonora Iordanova Igova, 30, a white woman and Lipson's wife, was arrested on suspicion of murder. "It was a good observation on the officer's part," said Lee. The motive for the shooting was still unknown.
"JP" is a local boy. Made a bunch of money on pigs and land in the east side of the cornfield and western Illinois. In respect to a tragic death will be as diplomatic as I can and just say Mr. Lipson was not highly thought of by some. If this women retains a good lawyer she might be able to skate.
A few days ago this was part of a post here. Will what goes around comes around ever hold true for our Emperor of Death?
It came around for JP big time. If it ever came around for the chimp and his cronies and matched what they gave out to so many so be it. Fine by me that's just how I feel.

ReplyDeleteThis case is interesting to me and was trying to find more info on it. I found your blog when searching for info.
I live in L.A. and it's interesting how there was a murder in Beverly Hills yet it has received almost no media attention. Upon my internet searches, I have learned that Jacob "J.P." Lipson owned a restaruant in Steamboat Springs and raised pigs. But the big news item was that he invested in an adult entertainment site and then sued them. It said he made off with an $820K settlement. This fit with his Beverly Hills address.
I'm curious to know more about this guy and why it seems no one thought highly of him. Also his wife was 20 years younger than him which also is interesting. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Here is a bit more.
ReplyDeleteI knew JP from Steamboat...maybe 10 years ago. He had exquisite taste, a temper, and got into trouble investing other people's money and a taste for the nose candy. He was a generous guy to some. For such a short guy, he always had gorgeous women around him. I am curious about his CA digs...looked more like an apt bldg to me than a mansion. Do you have any info about that?
ReplyDeleteI too did some searching and found the adult entertainment lawsuit too. It would be unfair for me to comment on this man outside of what was said in the post as I was only around him maybe twice. He grew up in Steamboat so many knew him.
ReplyDeleteIt was a coincidence that I used the phrase "what goes around comes around" a few days before. When JP was killed used that analogy again referring to a person who if it came around for him that it was okay by me. This might look like it's in bad taste in respect to JP but there was no intent to frame it as such as I chose my words carefully and meant only to verbally abuse the ones that need it.
What I find so interesting is the number of hits this site has taken (maybe 200) from various search engines looking for info on JP. These come from all over plus people looking for info on the women. There have been 6-10 hits from Bulgaria which make me think that possibly the women charged was not Russian.
No matter what whether one liked JP or not this man must have covered a lot of ground as people are wanting more on this story and they come from all over the country.
ReplyDeleteTo answer the question about his California address, Durant Drive is a side street off of Santa Monica Blvd. It's a street filled with apartments and condos. It's very close to Beverly Hills High School and within walking distance of the main shopping area of Beverly Hills, (Rodeo Drive, Beverly Wilshire etc). A pretty nice area. No mansions but still very nice.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback.
JP invested in Bulgaria.. he was known to many there; His wife Nora and alleged murderer was Bulgarian. Smart and enigmatic guy. Made big money with Tysons, Premium Standard Farms. Liked to credentialize himself with a front page feature that WSJ did on him. Lost out to Smithfield Foods in hog business. Obviously litigious. Seemed to be going through some major mid-life crisis when I met him; he did not seem to know what to do with himself. Liked to talk football. He Q'bd at Steamboat High, if his stories are accruate. Was on US national ski team at one time also. I heard that Nora made bail and is out.
ReplyDeleteMr. Lipson was at one time on the Chicago Board of Trade as was his father.
ReplyDeleteBig Tuna's restaurant was named after Tony"Big Tuna" Accardo who he knew.
Rumor only- his wife's father may be a member of the Bulgarian mafia.
Indeed, he was spending most of his time in Bulgaria in the recent years.
ReplyDeleteMemorial service is this Friday in La Jolla.
I feel fortunate enough to have known JP personally for about the last 5 years. And unlike most others I only have great things to say about him. I will truly miss him.
ReplyDeleteI just looked up on the Los Angeles Sheriff's page and Nora is still in jail. Her bail is set at $2M.
Also JP's services are Saturday in La Jolla, not Friday as mentioned earlier.
I met JP in 1975. He was always good to me, very generous, and extremely entertaining. I know he burned a lot of bridges and mowed a few people over on his insatiable quest for the dollar.
ReplyDeleteI remember he dropped out of CU when we were sophomores because he was way smarter than his profs and it bored him to tears. He returned about the time we were taking senior finals with $5M in his pocket and said "What the hell are you guys still doing in this place?"
Rumor clearances: Nora was indeed Bulgarian. JP's father was not on the CBT but JP was. I seriously doubt if he QB'd at Steamboat High, he was borderline a midget. However, he was on the Jr. Olympic Ski Team and was one fast and crazy downhiller until he wrapped his leg around a tree in Aspen going mach 7. His brain was always churning. He was 1/2 Jewish and 1/2 Irish...what a combo. I knew his parents pretty well. They are nice, normal folks but somehow created a monster of a kid. The stories are endless.
God rest his soul and his family. No one deserves to die the way he did.
A few years ago, I came to know JP from on a business level and also had a chance to spend time with him on a personal level. On a business level, JP was as sharp as they come – shrewd, cunning and above all a motivator. As an example of his astute business acumen, in 2004 I remember JP foretelling the pending subprime debacle we are currently experiencing and how Countrywide would be in trouble in a few years because of there loose lending practices. If only I would have listened and bought put options!
ReplyDeleteJP was blunt (to put it mildly) and challenged you at every corner. Though I hate to admit, in most instances he was right on point. I knew he would talk behind my back, but you got to give him credit - he would never back down and tell you what he felt to your face. JP knew your weaknesses and would drive hard to make you perform to your best. I didn’t like it at the time, but he always kept me on my toes and drove me to succeed.
I spent a lot of time with him alone and got to know him more than most on a personal level. We talked about baseball, enjoying the strategy and intricacies of the game. He played blackjack with so much passion and boy did he hate to lose! We watched the Sopranos and Deadwood together – JP loved the crazy characters and sub-plots (enough said).
I often saw a man who deep inside was a generous and caring man to those he loved. I remember eating lunch with him one afternoon after a trip to the casinos. After lunch, he took the cash that he won from the casinos out of his pocket, walked over to the cook, dishwasher and servers handing them hundreds of dollars. In the car, while driving away, he told me the money really didn't mean much to him, but to the people he gave his money to - it might mean a lot to them. “It could help them pay for their telephone bills or credit cards,” he said. He talked about his humble beginnings and how hard his parents worked. In the end, he helped provide for his parents who he obviously loved. He loved his kids and I could hear the excitement in his voice when he knew they would be visiting.
For those who have negative comments - I too was not blind, but I live by John 8:7, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” I agree with the previous posting, no one deserves to die the way he did. May God forgive all of our sins and may JP rest in peace.
I know JP very well in HS. He was not on the football team.
ReplyDeleteSo much for spell checker, I knew JP..
ReplyDeleteI spent a lot of time at his parent’s. We had lots of fun.
JP played defensive back for the Steamboat Sailors under coach Harlan Lear. JP epitomized Lear's pregame chant "you gotta be gotta be mobile...but most of all you gotta be hostile". Underneath it all JP was a good guy.
ReplyDeleteCould someone post a link to: Los Angeles Sheriff's page, where there is related information?
It is a few days late but here you go...
jp honest? that must have happened after he paid off his witness in the porn lawsuit, and screwed how many people in stmbt area!!!!!
ReplyDeletewell, those from stmb area deserve to be screwed! nothing wrong with it, buddy!
ReplyDeletenothing wrong with what??
ReplyDeleteRock of Ridicule-
ReplyDeleteBottom line- he was a wonderful family member and a supportive friend. If he was less than kind to you, you probably deserved it in some way or another.He wasn't perfect- and judging by the nature of many of these comments most people aren't. As a family member, I can't even begin to describe to you how painful these blogs are. I have little respect for those of you who post negative comments anonymously. His service was filled with many people who are left with a great void in their lives. I can only hope that if a family member of yours was murdered- people would have more compassion with your healing process than many of you have had with ours.
Dear friend, rest in peace! Have fun in the skies and watch us down those who loved you!
ReplyDeleteJP was one of a kind. He was free to live a life he chose to live and did not care what others think of him. I respect that.
ReplyDeleteJ P had the ability to take a person apart piece by piece if he thought that was what they needed. Ive never come across a sharper more penetrating mind, and most likely, never will. J P and I were close friends all through high school, on and off through college, and spent a cosciderable amount of time together in Steamboat at his home there. I chose to end our relationship in a less than honorable manner and still suffer the guilt of my actions today, as much as the day that I left. J P could be harsh, but in light of what I was witness to in his life and relationships, he had to be. The astronomical weight he carried every day of his life would have crushed the majority of men of this world, but stop and just for a moment remember; Remember how he danced under all that he carried with him! Those who knew him like I did know exactly what Im talking about. I have missed him deeply.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to his wife Nora after all?
ReplyDeleteNora is a great woman and she can't do somting like this.I know here personally - she is a great friend and she adore the live this is a proof that she is incapable do kill sombody.I knew and J.P. but i can't say a lot for him - my opinion for him is that he was not such a good guy.
ReplyDeleteAll of you people need to stop bickering about he said she said get over it. J.P. was MURDERED you can say what you want your intitled to but He never MURDERED anybody like that crazy money hungry bitch he was married to.
ReplyDeleteDid you know his wife personally or you speaking on perspective?
DeleteMy heart goes out to JP"S family.. The incident saddens me. However, there is no need to slander Nora. She is a tough chick and she put up with quite a lot. No one knows what went down in the final hours. And for the record she had MONEY of HER OWN.
ReplyDeleteYes agreed and she still has money of her own and will always however she is innocent and her money does no good until she walks out those gates!
DeleteI knew JP in his pig days. JP did not know a thing about pigs but made a fortune in the pig business. He was a visionary. He was a founder of Premium Standard Farms and of Iowa Select Farms, two extremely large swine production companies. He did not lose out to Smithfield. He got out when the "gettin was good" and the companies he founded are operating successfully today.
ReplyDeleteKnowing JP like I did I can understand the contradictions in the posts above. JP was a very complex man. He was smart, charismatic, tenacious, fun and generous but there was also a dark side. JP had a temper and he did not like to lose. There is no question he would break the rules if that suited the situation. He was the most narcissistic person I have ever met. He was an absolute wild man when I knew him. He lived his life 100 miles an hour with his hair on fire.
That said, I was sorry to hear about this tragic event and my prayers go out to his family.
I spent a lot of time with JP from 1990-1996 in la Jolla ,CA as his girlfriend. I wish I could say I knew him in all that time. He didn't know himself any better than I did. I am surprised that his memorial service was held in La Jolla because that was where he and I were so happy together. I know he had another CO girlfriend in a rental to visit with him there but he and I had our own beautiful place down at wind-and-Sea Beach for years. La Jolla was OUR happy place. He had many "cool" friends visit us there. They could not believe I loved and stayed with him. I don't believe it either. I kept thinking someday... I finally woke up and vanished so he could not track me down (not an easy task) and got on with a fabulous, happy life. I was woried I would run into him again in La Jolla and he would not be able to resist destroying my life. He did not react well to being dumped.. not by women, business partners, aquaintences, etc. At Least I can continue to live in and enjoy La Jolla without fear of running into him and ensuing the inevitable confrontation. I left him before he hurt me and before he sucked me into his bizarre reality. I am sorry I missed showing him what happiness could look like in real life. I did love him, regardless of his shortfalls there was a very good (very well hidden)heart hiding under all that bravado.
ReplyDeleteI think JP is a big pig. I know him from his days in Bulgaria. I think Nora is wonderful person, but he couldn't bye her...I hope everything will be ok for her.
ReplyDeleteI met Nora and JP once,can't say anything about him,but Nora seemed to be under his control,she was very aweet,i don't know what made her kill him,but i've heard she was on drugs,also rumor only,but i've heard many times both of them were involved in whitw-collar freuds...
ReplyDeleteLet me know if anyone knows anything about it
JP was like no other person in the world. Smart, agressive, greedy, yet to the people he cared about (his children and close friends) he was one of the most caring people ever (even though he tried like hell not to show it and kept an exterior of greed) I think I was one of the only people in the business world who never had to tangle with JP. He was my mentor, motivator and most of all my friend. It has taken me this long to write anything about my relationship with JP...and I must say he changed my life forever. Above someone wrote "bizarre reality" - and that it was. over the top with everything, money, cars, houses, name it. I am happy to say the JP Lipson was my friend. to his children I can say your dad loved you very much - he would lite up everyday he spoke to them on the phone.
ReplyDeletefact check. JP did not live in Bevery Hills, he rented that apartment for Nora. He lived in a mansion in La Jolla. Nora was a good person for many years but the drugs got the best of her.
fact - i miss the hell of of him.
JP ran hard for many years. he lived like no one else I have ever seen. he lived life completly on his own terms...he would not budge an inch for anyone (which caused many an issue). at the end of the day he did it his way and only his way his whole life.
lineman for the county
ReplyDeleteI brought JP to Earth, Wind and Fire show for his 50th birthday...Hell, he liked that...
ReplyDeleteFact - I miss his calls late at night when he would say "What's up buddy?"
There's no one else I can talk to about this changing and collapsing world...and JP knew what was happening.
molia pi6ete ko ima ne6to novo po povod ubiistvoto na JP
ReplyDeleteJP was my boyhood pal in NJ. Haven't seen him in almost 40 years but it sounds like he remained true to his roots. I always give him the credit for making sure I did not end up a gambleing man. He won every time.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to all his family and friends.
Well, as long as I get invited to 'Post a Comment' everytime I come here to my old friend's blog,, I'll post one now:
ReplyDeleteAny idiot that can concentrate while the recycled jokes about CoolAid hover to the right, must be what the joke was origonally about. It's like when we were ten, "No, you do, no you do, no you do..etc.."
One year after the murder... Is there any new about Nora?
ReplyDeleteFrom a comment on this post.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
You can go here
Type in her first and last Eleonora Igova . You will find the updates to her case
Here is a link for the address above
FYI, jury selection for her trial began at the Beverly Hills Courthouse on 4/8/09.
ReplyDeleteFYI, a jury was selected and the trial is set to begin at the Beverly Hills courthouse on 4/13/09
ReplyDeleteI just found out minutes ago that it's a hung jury! No verdict could be reached. The jury has been dismissed. So now the District Attorney has 7 days to file for a new trial. If there is a new trial it will probably be months away.
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody really think that Nora is innocent?
ReplyDeleteThe jury verdict is not guilty on first degree murder and was hung 7-5 for acquital on second degree murder. The next hearing is on May 5, 2009
ReplyDeleteA lot of people think she is innocent & support her completely. Just read all these postings to see what kind of a bizarre person J P was really was. He apparently had a whole list of enemies and a very dark side.
ReplyDeleteThe DA has refiled charges. Nora will be back in court on 5/14/09 for a pre-trial hearing. Her bail remains at 2 million dollars and she is still in custody. Go to for info.
ReplyDeleteOn 5/14/09 case was called for pretrial conf/trial setting. Defendant was present in court and represented by private counsel. Bail was set at $2,000,000. Defendant's motion to dismiss after a hung jury per penal code 1385 and motion to reduce bail are heard, argued and denied. Bail remains at $2,000,000. The matter is set for pre-trial conference/trial setting on 5-28-2009.
ReplyDeleteI find a lot of truth and a lot of fiction in the postings I have just read. "JP" was a real a'hole sometimes, but I know he was very much an enigma even to his loved ones. If you think you knew him, you probably didn't. If you think you could crack the core that was JP, you usually couldn't. Sometimes he could really make you feel like dirt when he got arrogant. He paid more than once for, shall we say, trying to come up with his own rules in certain situations. He did not die poor or down and out, so that is probably just as he would have wanted it in some way. That, or dying of old age with all of everyone else's toys.
ReplyDeleteLove him or hate him -- rest in peace.
A new Jury Trial is set for 8/17/2009.
ReplyDeleteJP never tried to take my toys, he just wanted to compete for them.
ReplyDeleteHe was the spark that's missing in the country now.
"Screw them all JP, Sleep Tight. You knew exactly when to move on."
Here is something interesting from 8/6/09: The Court orders 14 compact discs, from Los Angeles County Jail visits, released to the Deputy District Attorney. These 14 compact discs are not regarding visits with her Defense Attorney. The Court is in receipt of 12 compact disks, 3 sets of 4 disks, and will listen to the 4 disks before the next hearing date of 8/17/09. Opposition to defendant's motion to supress evidence pursuant to Penal Code Section 1538.5 filed. Next scheduled event: Jury Trial
ReplyDeleteThink there's any incriminating evidence on those compact discs?
ReplyDeleteno nothing nada
ReplyDeleteJury selection in the retrial started 9/9/2009.
ReplyDeleteOpening statements in the retrial started on 9/14/09. Closing arguments in the retrial were on 9/29/09. Jury deliberations began on 9/30/09.
ReplyDeleteOn 10/1/09 the jury came back with a guilty verdict. Nora's next court appearance is 11/19/09 for a motion for a new trial, other post trial motions by the defense and sentencing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates..
ReplyDeleteany updates?what happend with Nora?
ReplyDeleteFor the latest news about Nora. se her new web site at
ReplyDeleteWhy u post wrong info about Nora.She was not in Colorado to attend school.She was just married to Lou Drand who saved her from the shelter.then she divorced him and move to LA to be a model.That info was from our last conversation befor she moved to LA.I feel sorry for her but from all i read she was more passive in the all trial.........
ReplyDeleteI met JP in 2007 and I've been working for him as an assistant till March 2008. I know him as a bright intelligent person, very fun and smart. I spend a lot of time with JP during past 2 years before his death and I've never seen him act like a bad person. Last time I saw JP was February 2008 and we supposed to meet again in March. I was shocked when my friend from LA called me by phone and told JP was shot just a week before we supposed to meet. It's a big loss for me and for all his friends in Russia. Even now after 3 years passed. He was a great man!
ReplyDeleteI just found out recently that JP had been murdered. I knew JP from Steamboat. Worked for him and knew him well. I am so sorry for his children and parents. My heart goes out to them. JP was brilliant and yeah he could be a powerful jerk, but he had heart and I will never forget him. He was what he was. He was honest and straight forward and could admit when he was wrong. He respected you if you stood up to him and told him no and didn't try and ruin you for it. He was one of those people who left an impression for his larger than life mogul presences. He could out think anyone in the room and that is the truth. He was just an amazing businessman. My daughter at about 4 years of age saw him pacing the floor on his cell phone at his restaurant one day and mimicked his wheeling and dealing spiel for months into her toy cell phone. She said she was playing JP. I think she thought it was the best show she ever saw, JP on the phone working it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a horrible way to go and just a shock to find out he was murdered. My condolences and prayers go out to his family, especially his children. He did not deserve to go out like that.
I met JP in a bar in Steamboat in the late 70's, he was making fun of a friends glasses, and calling him names. I stood between him and my friend only to be sucker punched, we went outside JP tried it again while waving money at me. I knocked him down and then realized he had friends these idiots pined my arms and legs behind my back while JP worked me over and broke my jaw. I never retaliated because he always had a group of thugs with him causing trouble!
ReplyDeleteThe next time I saw him he had his gang was bragging about destroying some rental snowmobiles and how he would get away with it. So obviously he was not a nice guy most the time.
It is not quite correct to say: "Nora was indeed Bulgarian". Nora IS indeed Bulgarian. Besides, she comes from a town/region known for its harsh tempered people - Kyustendil.
ReplyDeleteAbove someone wrote JP was spending most of his time in Bulgaria in the recent years. Yes, he was. Someone else wrote Nora's father may be a member of the Bulgarian mafia, which is something new for me to hear or read about, and I seriously doubt it to be true. As a matter of fact, a notable member of the Bulgarian mafia was indeed very very close to JP during his Bulgarian period:
As Georgi Iliev (Joro Iliev) was born in Kyustendil too, another rumor says Nora is Joro Iliev's cousin. And speaking of Bulgarian mafia he was indeed one of the Godfathers. Died young though - he was shot dead by a sniper in the summer of 2005 at the age of 39 (see the above link).
JP kinda loved Joro Iliev. At least that's the impression he left on anybody who knew them being buddies. I tend to think it was because of the same stile of life they shared at that time. The life stile of Joro Iliev was well exposed to anybody interested, as he was a public and a famous person. In the last few years of his life he used to spend on monthly bases millions on entertainment - parties, restaurants, clubs, orchestras, singers, cars.., yachts..... I’ve listened JP tells the tale of a time spent with Joro Iliev in Dominica, having great parties - "Girls were coming from all over.." he was saying.
I work in a luxury hotel in Sofia. This is my occupation in the last 15 years, therefore I know a bit more than one or two other people doing the same all around the city. Accommodation-wise JP’s presence in Sofia can be divided in three periods as per the three different hotels he used to live in. Being a remarkable person you can guess he didn’t live around here unnoticed. The stories about him are numerous, and if one can gather the people who were working around JP in them hotels, will be able to give a feed for a Hollywood production.
I will not go further though, telling stories about JP. I have no intention showing around a dead man’s buttocks. At the end of the day I am a stranger to him.
I knew JP during his Boulder CO. time. I got the caring JP.
ReplyDeleteInformative link