Link to the picture site.

It has been over 10 months since I made this post. To this day people continue to seek information on Eleonora but search engines return only three results. My post that had no information and was used as an example for something else. The others are a police report in the LA Times and a short paragraph in the local fish wrapper.
Several friends and I have also been wondering about the status of this incident so last Friday I made a couple phone calls to the Beverly Hills PD.
This afternoon I received a call from the detective in charge of this case. He was not able to tell me much as the case is still ongoing.
What can be said for certain is that Eleonora Igova remains in custody charged with murder. There will be a trial and as of today no date has been set.
I hope this little bit of information is of help to you who come looking particularly those of you from Bulgaria.
You can go here
Type in her first and last Eleonora Igova . You will find the updates to her case
Trial starts next month in Beverly Hills
ReplyDeletewhats going on with this trial is she guilty
ReplyDeleteplease tell me is eleonora still in jail
ReplyDeleteFYI, jury selection for her trial at the Beverly Hills Courthouse began on 4/8/09. The trial is scheduled to begin on 4/13/09.
ReplyDeleteTo the person asking if she is still in jail, go to http://app4.lasd.org/iic/details.cfm and type in her last name and her first name. It would appear that she didn't make the 2 million dollar bail and that she is still in custody.
ReplyDeleteTotal Bail Amount: 2,000,000.00
Permanent Housing Assigned Date: 02/13/2009
Address: 11705 ALAMEDA STREET
Jury selection for her trial at the Beverly Hills Courthouse began on 4/8/09. The trial is scheduled to begin on 4/13/09. It is supposed to be a 3-week trial so there won't be a verdict until May 2009.
ReplyDeletethank you very much for that information thank you
ReplyDeletehow make the trial if the any body now
ReplyDeleteI think you mean to ask, "How is the trial going?"
ReplyDeleteWell, I went to the courtroom on Monday morning 4/13/09 to hear the opening remarks of the prosecutor and then the opening remarks of the defense. I didn't have time go back to the courtroom that afternoon or any day during the week to hear the prosecution witnesses. However, I did go back to the courtroom this morning 4/17/08. The prosecutor was still calling people to the stand to testify.
Billy Keelin wants to know whats happing with the trial ??
ReplyDeleteWhat was the opening statement of the prosecutor and defense?
ReplyDeleteTo the person asking what is happening with the trial, I went to the courtroom for a short time on 4/21/09 and the defense was calling their witnesses to the stand to testify and to answer the defense's questions and then the prosecutor was then asking questions of the witnesses. Someone from the coronors crime lab was on the stand when I went to the courtroom on 4/21/09.
ReplyDeleteTo the person asking what was the opening statement of the prosecutor and defense, I took some notes but I don't know if I should post all that. I was thinking of finding out how much courtroom transcripts cost. I heard they are expensive.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try and be in the courtroom next week to hear the closing remarks of the prosecutor and the closing remarks of the defense.
ReplyDeleteWell, it was actually a 2-week trial not a 3-week trial like I thought. I went to the courthouse this morning 4/24/09 only to find out that the closing remarks of the prosecutor and the defense were yesterday 4/23/09. So the trial is over and the jury begins deliberations on Monday 4/27/09. I inquired about getting courtroom transcripts and was given a number to call for information.
ReplyDeleteI just looked up info at http://app4.lasd.org/iic/details.cfm and it says that her next court date is Tuesday 4/28/09. Maybe a verdict will in then.
ReplyDeleteI went to the courthouse on 4/29/09 and the jury was still deliberating. I'll keep checking daily to see if a verdict was reached.
ReplyDeletePlease keep us infomed and thank you!
ReplyDeleteI didn't have time to go over to the courthouse today 4/30/09 to find out anything, but I will go for sure tomorrow 5/1/09 and find out if there was a verdict yet.
ReplyDeleteI just found out minutes ago that it's a hung jury! No verdict could be reached. The jury has been dismissed. So now the District Attorney has 7 days to file for a new trial. If there is a new trial it will probably be months away.
ReplyDeleteThe jury verdict is not guilty on first degree murder and was hung 7-5 for acquital on second degree murder. The next hearing is on May 5, 2009
ReplyDeleteGreat news, I know Nora is innocent.
ReplyDeleteI doubt the DA will even refile charges, they have no evidence.
ReplyDeleteIf you know Nora is innocent who did it? Is it the same person that killed Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson? Happens a lot in that area.. must be a bad neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteDo you know the evidence.. because i'm pretty sure if there was a dead person in my house I wouldn't leave 4 minutes later without calling 911. Lucky her neighbors did for her... because she was so concerned about her husbands well being.
Must have had a very good lawyer!!!
ReplyDeleteNO i think people in LA are just flaming idiots... Must have mixed up jury selection with a casting call for the next big reality TV show.
ReplyDeleteI'm very happy for Nora i know shes innocent,and i hope shes back soon in Bulgaria
ReplyDeleteHer lawyer was not very good at all.
ReplyDeleteThe DA has refiled charges. Nora will be back in court on 5/14/09 for a pre-trial hearing. Her bail remains at 2 million dollars and she is still in custody. Go to http://app4.lasd.org/iic/details.cfm for info.
ReplyDeleteHer attorney is Joel Isaacson who has represented such high profile clients as Max Factor heir Andrew Luster, Erin Brockovich's ex-husband Shawn Brown, and LAPD Rampart Corruption Scandal Police Officer Paul Harper, among others. Go to www.joelrisaacson.com for more info.
ReplyDeleteOn 5/14/09 case was called for pretrial conf/trial setting. Defendant was present in court and represented by private counsel. Bail was set at $2,000,000. Defendant's motion to dismiss after a hung jury per penal code 1385 and motion to reduce bail are heard, argued and denied. Bail remains at $2,000,000. The matter is set for pre-trial conference/trial setting on 5-28-2009.
ReplyDeleteWow, I checked out attorney Isaacson's web site, he'really amazing and has won alot of major cases. Nora is good hands and I'm sure she will be found not guilty in the retrial for second degree murder.
ReplyDeleteHer re-trial hasn't started yet. I don't think that a date for re-trial has been scheduled yet. Her attorney has been trying to get her bail reduced but apparently has been unsuccessful in doing so. Her bail is still set at 2 million dollars and she is still in custody. Her next scheduled court appearance is 6/25/09. Go to http://app4.lasd.org/iic/details.cfm for more info.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering what the defense is for the entire trial? That she didnt do it? or that is was self defense etc. I ask because I had dinner at their house in La Jolla once and JP out of nowhere attacked me. Threw me back in a chair, tackled me and tried to punch me. Nora got him off me. All I was doing was sitting there talking to him politely having a glass of wine. The guy just lost it, for what reason I have no idea.
ReplyDeleteThe defense is saying that she didn't do it. Although it was her gun that was used, there were no fingerprints found on the gun or the bullet casings. Also there was no gun powder residue or blood found on her hands or clothing.
ReplyDeleteA physical examination of Igova revealed no evidence of fight between her and the victim. There was not a scratch on her after the murder. She was apprehended leaving her apartment through the alley (there were a lot of police in the front.) She left with only her purse. In the purse was her passport, a name-change document, ~$800 in cash, and her birth certificate. Does anyone know anything about the man that was arrested in this case?
ReplyDeletewhat man was arrested?
ReplyDeleteplease tell is there somthing new with case
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything new but her next court date is 08/17/2009
ReplyDeleteGo here for info: http://app4.lasd.org/iic/details.cfm
Jury Trial is set for 8/17/2009.
ReplyDeletetahk you
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have any personal knowledge about this case? All journalists keep their sources anonymous and anything you say will be kept in the strictest confidence If you have any information that would be helpful please contact me at checkers10102003@yahoo.com.
ReplyDeletethank you
To Rick: How are you going to prove that you are a journalist?
ReplyDeleteemail me and we can discuss.
Maybe I can get you some info after August 1st.
ReplyDeletePlease let me know. Thanks, Rick
ReplyDeleteFYI, if you're interested in getting transcripts of the first trial (or just the opening and closing statements, let me know and I'll find out what it costs).
ReplyDeleteI would be interested in the opening and closing statements. Can you post them here?
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of people who would be interested in that including me.
ReplyDeleteI don't have the transcripts of the opening and closing statements. When I checked the cost several months ago, I was told it would be $3 a page, with a total cost of $275. I can check again to see if perhaps the cost has been reduced (I was told it might be under certain circumstances). If I did obtain the transcripts of the opening and closing statements, it would be about 90 pages, which would be way to many to post here.
ReplyDelete90 pages!... Those lawyers sure are long winded!
ReplyDeleteSo I checked to see if the cost of the opening and closing statements was still the same ($3 per page with a total cost of $275) and I was told that it was, since nobody had previously ordered those transcripts. However, I was told that transcripts of the testimony had been previously ordered, so therefore those transcripts are available at a reduced cost of 60 cents per page. However, there's probably thousands of pages of testimony from the 9-day trial and that would be costly as well. I'm not going to be purchasing that, but if anyone else wants it, let me know and I'll give you the number to call.
ReplyDeleteHere is something interesting from 8/6/09: The Court orders 14 compact discs, from Los Angeles County Jail visits, released to the Deputy District Attorney. These 14 compact discs are not regarding visits with her Defense Attorney. The Court is in receipt of 12 compact disks, 3 sets of 4 disks, and will listen to the 4 disks before the next hearing date of 8/17/09. Opposition to defendant's motion to supress evidence pursuant to Penal Code Section 1538.5 filed. Next scheduled event: Jury Trial
ReplyDeleteThink there's any incriminating evidence on those compact discs?
ReplyDeleteI'm still interested in any information you may have. Please contact me privately at checkers10102003@yahoo.com.
Rick, I forwarded your request to someone who has more information than I do about the case. If that person decides to contact you, you will hear from that person. I don't really have any more info than what I've posted here, or that can be obtained by doing a google search for either the victim's name "Jacob Lipson" and/or "JP Lipson" or the defendant's name "Eleonora Igova" and/or "Eleonora Iordanova Igova"
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Any updates on the trial?
ReplyDeleteI don't think they have started the retrial yet. The last time I checked, which was on 8/21/09 it said "JURY TRIAL TRAILED". I think she had another court appearance on 8/31/09. And I just looked online and saw that her next court appearance is on 9/8/09.
ReplyDeleteThat was quite a rant! I'm not sure what it has to do with the subject at hand.
ReplyDeleteI think that only the first two sentences of that rant had anything to do with the subject at hand, lol.
ReplyDeleteAny news on the trial?
ReplyDeleteJury selection in the retrial started today.
ReplyDeleteAnyone going to the trial that can give a daily update for us not in Beverly Hills?
ReplyDeleteMaybe. Depends how much time I have.
ReplyDeleteTwelve jurors and three alternate jurors were chosen on Friday afternoon. Opening statements and testimony will begin Monday September 14th.
ReplyDeleteDo you know what time on Monday the opening statements will start? (I know the courthouse opens at 8:30 am, but maybe the trial starts later in the morning after other court cases are heard.) Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThe jurors were told to be at the courthouse on 9/14/09 at 10:30 am. They were called into the courtroom at 10:45 am. The judge then gave instructions to the jury. At 11:00 am the prosector gave opening statements. At 11:20 the defense attorney gave opening statements. At 12:04 pm court adjourned for lunch. (Note that the defense attorney's opening statements were more than twice as long as the prosecutor's opening statements.)
ReplyDeleteI took notes of the opening statements, but there was just too much info to try and summarize and post here. One of the things that the defense attorney said that I thought was interesting is that JP's estate found 8 million dollars that JP had in an offshore account in St. Thomas in the Bahamas!
ReplyDeleteAt 1:30 pm on 9/14/09 the jury was called back to the courthouse. At 1:53 pm the first witness for the prosecution took the stand. This witness was a nearby neighbor who heard gunshots the night of the murder on 3/14/08, but didn't see or hear anything else, except she saw all the police on the street a short time after hearing the gunshots. The defense attorney then did cross examination. At 2:17 pm the next witness for the prosecution took the stand. This witness was a teenage girl who lived with her father directly below the defendant's apartment and heard a loud bang (gunshot), then heard something that sounded like a table falling (a body), then heard a male voice saying "Nora, Nora" several times. (The witness later claimed to have heard the male voice say "Nora, stop! Nora, don't!). The witness then called 911 to report what she had just heard. The jury heard a tape of the 911 call along with a typed transcript. There was more testimony from this witness and then the defense cross examined. Apparently the witness didn't tell police on the night of the murder or in a subsequent interview 2 weeks later that she heard the male voice say "Nora, stop! Nora, don't!" The witness said that she was scared and traumatized and that she just wanted to block the incident out of her mind.
ReplyDeleteAt 3:44 pm on 9/14/09 the next witness for the prosecution took the stand. This witness knew JP since 1982 and met Nora through JP. This witness had a photograph that was shown to the Jury (but not to the audience in the courtroom). The photograph apparently showed the Nora firing a gun. The photo was taken sometime in 2001 or 2002 in Bulgaria. There was a luncheon/banquet and afterwards several people, including JP, Nora and the witness went to a field to shoot bottles. The witness said that the bottles were 75 - 100 feet away and that Nora hit 90% of the bottles. The purpose of this testimony was to show that Nora had excellent marksmanship. Then the defense attorney did cross examination. Apparently in prior testimony the witness had said that the bottles were 60 - 75 feet away, not 75 - 100 feet away. The witness also said that he isn't a gun expert and said that he never saw Nora fire a gun on any other occasion. Therefore, how could the witness know if Nora had excellent marksmenship or not.
ReplyDeleteAt 4:04 pm on 9/14/09 the next witness for the prosecution took the stand. The witness is the father of the teenage girl that previously testified. The father and the teenage girl lived on the bottom floor of a triplex apartment building. They lived in the apartment directly below Nora's apartment. They lived there for 2 years prior to March 2008. The witness said that there is a security gate in front that can only be opened and closed by key. In back is a security gate that is approx. 7 - 8 feet tall. The night of the murder on 3/14/09, the witness and his daughter left the apartment at about 5:30 pm and returned home sometime between 11 pm and 11:30 pm. Just after midnight he heard a loud brief sharp banging sound (gunshot). Then he heard the sound of something hit the floor above (a body). Then he heard mumbling male voice saying something like "Nora, Nora". Then he heard 5 - 6 rapid loud sounds (gunshots). Then he jumped up, checked on his daughter in her bedroom, then told her to get on the floor and call 911. The witness did not hear any cars or any running outside. He looked out the window in front and didn't see anyone. The judge stopped the testimony for the day and adjourned court at 4:30 pm. Trial resumes on 9/15/09 at 10:30 am.
ReplyDeletedid anything happen on the 15th?
ReplyDeleteYes there were more witnesses on the stand on the 15th and I took notes, but I don't have time to post until perhaps this evening.
ReplyDeleteI certainly hope she is found innocent. I am surprised someone didn't take care of him a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious, why do you say that?
ReplyDeleteFYI, the Anonymous person who wrote "I certainly hope she is found innocent. I am surprised someone didn't take care of him a long time ago" is not the same person giving the trial summaries.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to guess that whomever wrote that is either a friend or relative of Eleonora, or, based on things I've read elsewhere, is someone who perhaps had bad business dealings with JP.
At 10:50 am on 9/15/09 the trial resumed with the previous witness on the stand. So after the father told his daughter to get on the floor and call 911, he went to the front window to look outside and didn't see or hear any cars driving away or anyone running away. Then he went back to check on his daughter. She was still on the phone with 911. Then he heard pounding on his front door and the door handle being jimmied. He went to his front door but didn't open it. He heard Nora saying "Let me in, let me in." He did not open the door. He said, "No, I can't let you in". Then he checked on his daughter again. Less than a minute later he heard pounding on his front door again and the door handle being jimmied again. He went to the front door again but did not open it. He heard Nora again saying "Let me in, let me in". Again he said, "No, I can't let you in." Then he checked on his daughter again. She told him that the police were on the way. He then went to the front window and saw a police officer behind a car. He motioned to the officer and made eye contact. The officer told him to come out. He told the officer he had to grab his daughter. Then he and his daughter came out of the apartment and they ran down the block to safety, escorted by the officer.
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks later, the father went to the police station with his daughter to give their separate statements. The daughter's bedroom was directly below the guest bedroom above, where JP was shot, but the father's bedroom was farther away so he couldn't hear things as well as his daughter could. He heard a "stacatto sound" (a gunshot), then the sound of something falling on the upstairs floor. Then he heard his daughter ask, "What was that?" He replied, "I don't know, maybe something falling". Then he heard some things said like "Nora, Nora, Nora", but mumbled.
At 11:13 am the defense attorney did cross examination and went through the father's entire testimony step by step again. The defense attorney asked the father if he was able to see out the front window of his apartment when he was in the hallway to his daughter's bedroom and the answer was no (so if someone was driving away or running away at that point in time, he wouldn't have seen it). There was questioning about the front and back security gates (they don't require keys to exit), whether there was a way to access the property without having to go through the security gate in front (apparently there is), how many parking spaces were in the back (four), how many cars did Nora have (wasn't sure), did he know Nora (cordially and neighborly), did he see Nora before he left the apartment with his daughter at 5:30 pm that night (he saw her as he was backing out of his parking space and she was walking towards the back gate with some plastic bags, perhaps take-out food or groceries). The defense attorney also asked the father about the statment he previously gave to the police where he said that the voice he heard saying, "Nora, Nora, Nora" wasn't loud, it wasn't pleading, it didn't sound frightened or angry, it was more like cautioning.
At 12:10 pm the court adjourned for lunch break.
At 1:30 pm on 9/15/09 the trial resumed, but I didn't get back to the courtroom until 1:40pm so I missed a few minutes of testimony. There was a uniformed police officer on the stand and the prosecutor was asking the officer about Nora's 2 cellphones. The cell phones were displayed and identified. The officer had been given the cell phones on 3/26/2008 to extract data from the phones using Paraben Cell Phone Forensic Software. Using this software, the cell phone call history can be found, including dates and times of incoming calls received, incoming calls missed, outgoing calls made, text messages, etc. Also, the cell phone call records were obtained from the cell phone company to compare to the data extracted from the cell phones. It was discovered that on one of Nora's cell phones, there were calls made to 2 people in Bulgaria before the murder, but the call history had been erased right after the murder.
ReplyDeleteAt 1:57pm the defense attorney did cross examination. One of Nora's cell phones had a (310) area code, and the other cell phone had a (702) area code. The call history had not been deleted on the cell phone with the (702) area code. Also, it was stated that on most cell phones there are options to delete all calls, or just received calls, or just outgoing calls, or just missed calls.
At 2:11 pm on 9/15/09 the next witness was called to the stand by the prosecutor. This witness needed a Spanish language translator with her on the stand. This made for some difficult communication at times between the prosecutor and the witness, as well as the judge and the witness. At one point the witness broke down crying on the stand because she wasn't understanding the questioning from the prosecutor, as well as the directions from the judge. A break had to be taken during the middle of her testimony and the jury was sent out of the courtroom while the witness recovered.
ReplyDeleteNow to the testimony of the witness. This witness was a housekeeper who used to work for Nora and JP when they were still married and lived in San Diego, CA. The witness and another person were hired by Nora. Their job was to clean the house. One time when the 2 housekeepers were in the bedroom cleaning, they found a gun under Nora's pillow. They were surprised when they found it. The witness said she grabbed the gun. Her friend told her not to be so "courageous". The gun was about 6" - 7" long and it was brown color. It was about 5 years ago that she saw the gun. Several months later, she saw another gun in the nightstand by Nora's side of the bed. After Nora and JP separated, the witness continued to work for JP in his new house in La Jolla, CA. The witness never saw a gun in JP's house in La Jolla. On 3/13/09 the witness was working for JP. She usually started work at 8:30 or 9:00 am. JP didn't call her by her name, he just called her "lady". JP was happy, but then he got a phone call and he sounded upset. After getting off the phone he said, "Its Nora, she want's money." It was always, "Money, money, money!"
At 2:44 pm the defense attorney cross examined the witness. He asked how long did she work for Nora and JP in their house in San Diego (she didn't remember, maybe 2 - 3 years). He asked if there were other people living at his house (he had guests, but he lived alone), was it a big house (a mansion), could you see the ocean from the house (yes), did she see JP work (no), what kind of cars did JP have (she didn't know, except that he had a black Hummer).
At 2:51 pm on 9/15/09 the next witness was called to the stand by the prosecutor. This witness is a patrol officer in the City of Beverly Hills. He has been an officer for 7 1/2 years. At 12:04 am on 3/14/08 he recieved a dispatch of "Code 3" meaning "shots fired". He was about 1 1/2 miles away and he turned on his lights and sirens and sped to the location. It took him about 3 - 4 minutes to arrive, and he parked in the alley close to the location. There were police officers already in the front of the apartment building, but he was the only officer in the back of the apartment building. He grabbed his rifle and got out of his patrol car. He moved to a different position and he took cover and concealment (hiding out of view from the back of the building) behind a white SUV. About 45 minutes later, he saw a female exit the rear of the building through a gate. She closed the gate behind her so it wouldn't make a noise when it shut. She slowly walked from the location, close to the side of the building, with her head down, and carrying her purse. She started walking eastbound. (The officer then was asked by the prosecutor to stand up and leave the stand to demonstrate how she closed the gate behind her and how she walked slowly with her head down. The officer then demonstrated.)
ReplyDeleteThe officer then said that he moved from the white SUV towards the female suspect with his rifle pointed at her. He moved to another spot behind a blue dumpster for cover. She walked about 30 feet from the building and then he identified himself as a police officer. She looked up at him and stopped. He gave her verbal commands to place her purse on the ground and put her hands above her head. He had her walk towards him as he walked backwards 20 - 25 feet. He used his police radio to advise that a female suspect was exiting the building. 2 other officers came to the rear of the building and made contact with her. She was detained. She was placed in handcuffs behind her and put into a patrol car. Her eyes were sometimes closed and sometimes open. She appeared to be distraught because her eyes were red and puffy. About an hour later, bags were put on her hands (to help preserve any gunpowder residue or blood splatter).
At 3:20 pm the defense attorney began cross examination of the witness. The attorney went over the officer's testimony step by step in detail. He asked if the officer had a flashlight and was it on (the officer had a flashlight attached to the rifle, but it wasn't turned on), he asked how far away he was from her from his location behind the SUV (12' - 15', or 20'). At 3:36 pm the judge stopped the cross examination so the jury could take a 10 minute break. I left the courthouse at that time and didn't return to hear the rest of the cross examination, or if there were any other witnesses called to the stand before court was ajourned for the day.
The courthouse was closed on 9/16/09 because of the California Court Furlough.
In an unprecedented move, California's court system, which is the largest in the nation, is shut down Wednesday, the first in a series of 10 furlough days to save money.
What the closure means is that scores of jury trials are being interrupted, and 250 child custody cases delayed. It also means money out of the pockets of court workers, many of which are expected to protest outside the San Francisco Administrative Office of the Courts, which runs the state's court system.
The 10 monthly statewide closures will come on the third Wednesday of each month and should save about $90 million, but at what judicial cost asks San Francisco Superior Court Judge Mary Wiss, who was part of the council that reluctantly voted to close the courts.
"This is such an extraordinary undertaking, and it's unprecedented, but it doesn't feel good," said Wiss. "It leaves you with something in the pit of your stomach."
A skeleton crew is expected to help facilitate emergencies like police search warrants, but everyone else is staying home, having crammed in as much work as possible ahead of time.
"Hopefully people will reduce backlogs and other things like that, so that when we do open up Thursday, we'll be that much more ready to be able to take care of the public," said Sacramento County Superior Court judge James Mize.
The furloughs don't apply to the state's 1,700 judges, but most have voluntarily agreed to give up a day's pay.
anything new on the case since the 16th?
ReplyDeleteThere were more witnesses for the prosecution on the stand on 9/17 and 9/18 and I took lots of notes, but it's going to take me time to type up a summary. It's a lot of work.
ReplyDeletedude, looks like you'd better bone up on this case, lol actually roflmao
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all the work you have done. Would like to hear what else went on.
ReplyDeleteit's a great work of you making these notes. there were so much behind the scene that explains these last minutes of Lipson. RIP
ReplyDeleteSorry I was busy on the weekend and wasn't able to find the time to type and summarize all my notes. I went to the courthouse again today 9/21/09 and took more notes. Now I'm even farther behind in summarizing!
ReplyDeleteBut I want to mention that the prosecution had the Forensic Medical Examiner on the stand today and everyone saw the shocking crime scene photos from 3/14/08 as well as the pre-autopsy photos from 3/18/08 of JP's bullet wounded head and body (2 bullets to the head, and 5 bullets to the body, abdomen, chest, shoulder, thumb). I really didn't want to see those photos and it shocked me when all of a sudden I looked up and saw the photos on the LCD TV. I only glanced at the photos because if I stared at them I was afraid I might start to black out (that's happened before to me). During the first trial the audience couldn't see the photos on the screen that was facing away, but this time there was an LCD TV, as well as the screen, and the audience could see the LCD TV.
Just to clarify something in the above post, the crime scene photos were shown when the Senior Forensic Specialist with the BHPD was on the stand. The pre-autopsy photos were shown when the Forensic Medical Examiner was on the stand.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I have another correction to make regarding the 2nd post above. Actually, the LCD TV might have been in the courtroom during the first trial during the testimony of the Senior Forensic Specialist and the Forensic Medical Examiner. I didn't hear their testimony during the first trial.
ReplyDeleteI probably should make a disclaimer and say that there may be errors and omissions in anything I write. I try as best I can to be accurate, but sometimes I can't write fast enough and I miss some things. In fact, there are a bunch of things in my notes that I'm not sure of and should try and get confirmation on for accuracy.
ReplyDeleteI heard that the judge in this case is a real moron.
ReplyDeleteAnd who told you that? Someone who didn't like his rulings?
ReplyDeleteFYI, the judge in this case is Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elden Fox. He was the judge in some high profile cases including actress Winona Ryder's shoplifting case, Courtney Love's felony drug case, and Prison Break actor Lane Garrison's vehicular manslaughter and drunken driving case.
ReplyDeleteThe "moron" opinion of the judge did not come from any party involved in the case, but rather someone who was impartial and just observing the proceedings. That fact that he presided over celebrity cases still does not preclude him from being socially impaired.
ReplyDeleteWe always wondered how many times he was shot and we were correct-plenty!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't able to go to the courthouse on 9/23/09 but the prosecutor had several more witnesses for the prosecution on the stand and then "The People" rested. On 9/24/09 at 11:10 am the defense attorney began calling the witnesses for the defense to the stand.
ReplyDeleteWere there any other prosecution witnesses of interest not mentioned above? What winesses did the defense bring on?
ReplyDeleteOn 9/17/09 there were 4 police officers on the stand seperately as witnesses for the prosecution. Each officer was asked in great detail everything that they did from the moment they got the "shots fired" call on their police radio at 12:04 am on 3/14/09. Each officer was asked what their location in the city was when they got the radio call, what streets they drove to get to Durant, how fast they were going, how long it took to get to Durant, what they did when they arrived at the scene, what they saw when they arrived at the scene, if they saw anyone on foot or in a vehicle leaving the scene, etc. None of the officers, who were at various locations at the scene, saw anyone leave the scene except for an SUV with some teenagers that wasn't considered suspicious.
ReplyDeleteIt's too much to summarize all the testimony so here are some of the hightlights. When the arresting officer opened Nora's purse, the first thing that he found on top was a red/burgendy passport from the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria belonging to Nora. He also found her California Drivers License, her birth certificate and $806 in cash. (I don't know if the name-change document that was found was mentioned.)
Another officer brought Nora from the rear alley where she was being detained, back through the rear security gate and into the rear yard and then asked which door was to her apartment. Then she was brought back out into the alley and detained. Eventually she was handcuffed and put into the back of a patrol car. Paper bags were put over her hands.
Another officer testified about what happened when contact was made with the R.P. (Reporting Person)(i.e., the father and his teenage daughter living in the apartment below Nora.)
The officer also testified about what happened when he and his team of officers went into Nora's apartment looking for other suspects, victims, evidence, etc.
Also on 9/17/09 there was another witness for the prosecution on the stand testifying. This witness was a Private Investigator who was retained by Nora in June of 2007. This PI locates people, assets, etc. The PI met Nora at the Peninsula Hotel. She told the PI that she was separated from her husband and needed to locate her husband's assets. She was told that she would have to sign a retainer. She was advised to hire a lawyer, but she said that she didn't want to. The PI was under the impression that she was leaving the country. Over the next few months he received several emails from her and phone calls from Bulgaria. She said that she wanted to retain him. They met again in September 2007 in Los Angeles. He went with her to her apartment on Durant and she gave him $4,000 in cash and a balance of $6,000 by check. He also received documents from her about her husband. She indicated that she met her husband 7 or 8 years earlier, that they lived in San Diego, and that he now lived in La Jolla. She thought he had 50 to 70 MILLION dollars, possibly in St. Thomas in the Caribbean Islands, and/or Russia, and/or Luxemburg. She gave him some names of banks, but no account numbers. She said that she was married to him and was entitled to half of whatever he had.
ReplyDeleteThe PI deposited the check that Nora had given to him, but it bounced. He reached her in Bulgaria. She said that she would make good on the check and that she wanted to continue. The PI only did a database investigation, and nothing else, because the full retainer hadn't been paid.
During the cross examination by the defense attorney, the PI was asked many more questions. The PI said that he wasn't asked to tail or follow JP, only to find his assets. There were 2 original copies of the retainer agreement signed. The PI didn't remember if he gave Nora a receipt for the $4,000 in cash she gave him. The defense attorney then showed the PI a receipt for the $4,000. The PI said that Nora told him what work her husband did, what kinds of businesses he had, places he went (Russia, Bulgaria, Luxemburg, St. Thomas). The PI was also shown copies of various documents that Nora had presented to him.
The defense attorney again asked the PI if he followed Mr. Lipson (no) or if he tapped his phone lines or anything like that (no). The defense attorney then said something like, "I don't know if those are the sort of things PI's do. I'm not sure if that's legal or not." Then the judge quipped, "You're not sure?! Why don't you ask Anthony Pelicano if its legal?!" (Laughter from the courtroom.)
Also on 9/17/09 there was, in front of the jury, a stipulation (agreement of fact between the opposing attorneys) that on 3/13/08 a person by the name of C.W. (I'm just using his initials here) and Mr. Lipson left La Jolla, with Mr. W driving Mr. Lipson's Bentley, and Mr. W dropped off Mr. Lipson at the Peninsula hotel around 3:30 pm.
ReplyDeleteOn 9/18/09 at 10:59 am the trial resumed and the prosecution called the next witness to the stand. This witness is an Orange County crime lab scientist. The witness testified that she was provided the gun from the crime scene, swabs (wet and dry) from the gun, a buccal swab (for DNA extraction) from the inside of Nora's mouth, a blood swab from JP, etc. She examined items of Nora's clothing. She did not find any blood on the clothing, the gun or the gun swabs.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there was DNA typing done on the swabs from the gun and this was compared to DNA from Nora and DNA from JP. The swab from the gun contained the highest amount of DNA from Nora and the lowest amount of DNA from JP. The swab from the gun also contained the DNA of at least one other unknown person. The DNA profile of the unknown person was submitted to a DNA database but there wasn't a match.
At 11:24 am the defense attorney began cross examination. The witness said that the DNA profile of the unknown person was submitted to the local Orange County DNA database, then to the state database, and then to the national database, and there wasn't a match. The witness said that when she examined Nora's clothing for blood, she used an illuminated magnifier and then used oblique lighting.
At 11:39 am on 9/18/09 the prosecutor called the next witness to the stand. This witness is a Forensic Scientist for the Orange County Sheriff's Department. She did further DNA testing on the gun swab. The swab had a mixture of DNA.
ReplyDeleteAt 11:44 am the defense attorney did cross examination. The witness said she checked for the Y chromosome which is only deposited by males. So besides JP's DNA being on the gun, there was DNA from at least 3 other males. However, there is no way to tell how long ago the DNA was placed on the gun.
At 11:47 am on 9/18/09 the prosecutor called the next witness to the stand. This witness is an Executive Relations Coordinator for Verison Wireless. The witness testified that she does authentication of records. If a Verison customer makes a call, Verison keeps a record of that call. A person with a Verison cell phone can delete the call history (incoming and outgoing calls) from their phone, but not from Verison call records. The witness had the subscriber records for 2 cell phones which were shown on a screen to the jury. Nora had a Verison cell phone with a (310) area code. JP had a Verison cell phone with a (702) area code. So the call history on Nora's phone had been erased. Now the following information might contain errors because the audience could not see the screen with the call records displayed. But I think there were phone call(s) on 3/13/09 between Nora and JP that had been erased from Nora's phone, as well as calls to and from Bulgaria that had been erased from Nora's phone.
ReplyDeleteAt 11:58 am the defense attorney did cross examination. It was determined that some of the phone calls were incoming phone calls that may or may not have been answered. Some of those calls might have gone to voicemail. There was discussion about the length of each call and determinations as to whether or not conversation(s) likely took place.
Just to add to the above post, there were incoming and/or outgoing calls on Nora's phone from the night of 3/13/08 at 10:21 pm, 11:24pm and 11:47pm to Bulgaria. The last call at 11:47pm was 93 seconds, so it is likely that a conversation took place. The other calls were 40 seconds or less in length, so probably there wasn't any conversations. But the main point is that the call history had been erased from her cell phone just before or right after midnight when JP was killed.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the updates. What is the defense doing?
ReplyDeleteAt 2:23 pm on 9/18/09 the next witness for the prosecution took the stand. This witness is a Criminalist with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Crime Lab. This witness did not do any testing of anything in this case. She was on the stand to give expert testimony about gunshot residue (GSR). GSR are microscopic particles that are left after a gun is fired. One single particle has to be composed of the elements lead, barium and antimoney to be conclusive for GSR. (These 3 elements are present in the primer cup of the bullet cartridge) If someone fires a gun, they may or may not have GSR on them. GSR particles are easily transfered. Studies show that after an hour, 90% of GSR disapates. Hand washing, even with water alone, removes GSR. Any friction can dislodge GSR such as rubbing hands on a towel, rubbing hands together, touching things, etc. Even bagging of the hands can contribute to loss of GSR. (Note: Nora's hands were bagged after she was handcuffed and put in the patrol car the early morning of 3/14/08.) The reason bags are put on the hands is to prevent contamination, not to prevent loss of GSR.
ReplyDeleteThe witness said that their crime lab was asked to examine some items for the Beverly Hills Police Dept., but the request was denied.
(I wasn't clear on why.)
Occasionally clothing is tested for GSR, but usually if hands show GSR, then the clothing isn't tested. They will not test hands for GSR after 8 hours, because no GSR would show after that much time. Nora's hands were tested for GSR after 4 hours of time, which is considered an extensive amount of time. GSR will stay on clothing longer, but clothing can be contaminated easier.
At 2:43 pm the defense attorney began cross examination. The witness said that GSR is used to determine if GSR is present on an item or a person. If GSR is present, 3 things can be determined: the person discharged a weapon, the person discharged a weapon, or the person was in an environment where they came in contact with GSR. GSR can't be used to identify a shooter. It is a scientific technique and it is used as an investigative tool. If GSR is found on someone, it is a scientific conclusion, not a determination of guilt or innocence. The witness said that if no GSR is found, no further conclusion can be found. The defense attorney disputed that. A negative result for GSR could mean a number of possibilities: The person didn't shoot a gun, the person shot the gun and didn't get any GSR on them, the person shot the gun and then washed their hands, or the person shot the gun and the GSR rubbed off.
At 3:21pm on 9/18/09 the next witness for the prosecution took the stand. This witness is a Forensic Specialist. They process evidence at crime scenes. On 3/14/08 she went to the 9900 block of Durant. She later went to the Beverly Hills Police Dept. and came in contact with Nora in the Identification Bureau. Sometime around 3:50 am she collected hand samples from Nora's left and right hands. She took fingernail scrapings as well.
ReplyDeleteAt 3:27 pm the defense attorney began cross examination. A photo of Nora that was taken on 3/14/08 at 4:00 am was shown to the jury. The witness didn't find anything unusual about Nora, no cuts, no wounds, no blood, no black powder on her. The witness dabbed both of Nora's hands with special double stick tape for GSR testing.
At 3:36 pm on 9/18/09 the prosecutor called the next witness to the stand. This witness is a Criminalist at Los Angeles County Department of the Coroner. She testified that she used a scanning electron microscope to look for gunpowder residue (GSR) taken from Nora's hands. She did not find any GSR. She found the elements lead, barium and antimony independently from Nora's hands. This is consistent with someone firing a gun and washing their hands, and/or the GSR falling off over time. The witness was asked about how GSR could get on the victim's hands. If someone is shot in the hand (JP's thumb was shot) that could leave GSR. If someone is shot and touches the wound, that could leave GSR. If someone is holding their hands out and is shot, that could leave GSR.
ReplyDeleteAt 3:44 pm on 9/18/09 the defense attorney began cross examination. The witness was asked what magnification is used to look for GSR. The witness found more than 25 different elements from Nora's right hand. Some of these elements are common elements found on the body, such as potassium, zinc, iron, strontium, bisma, etc. Barium is found in cosmetics. So there are several possibilities for conclusions (as stated before with the previous witness).
There was re-direct from the prosecutor. The witness said that washing or friction causes GSR to be removed from the hands.
And that concludes the first week of testimony. I'll try to post more from the second week of testimony when I have time.
ReplyDeleteFYI, on Friday 9/25/09 at 11:45 am both sides rested. The jury will return to the courthouse on Tuesday 9/29/09 at 10:00 am for the closing arguments.
ReplyDeleteAnyone venturing a guess on the verdict?
ReplyDeleteI'd be surprised if there was a "not guilty" verdict. I think the best the defense can hope for is another hung jury.
ReplyDeleteClosing arguments in the trial started at 10:40 am and ended at about 4:30pm on 9/29/09. The prosecutor spoke for 1hr, 20 min., then the defense attorney spoke for 1 hr, 45 min., then the prosecutor spoke again for 30 minutes. The jury will get instructions from the judge and begin deliberations on 9/30/09.
ReplyDeleteThe jury started deliberations at 11:00 a.m. By 4:30 p.m. they had not reached a verdict and will return on 10/1/09 to continue their deliberations.
ReplyDeleteThose of us who have been reading about this trial find it hard to u nderstand how a juror can conclude she is innocent. Has she said why she didn't call 911? I am a friend of JP's family and we really appreciate your efforts of keeping this posting. Please keep upthe good work.
I certainly hope they find her innocent!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your hard work following this trial. With so many markers pointing to Nora's guilt and the anemic defense efforts it's a wonder how the first jury was hung. Have to hope that the current jury understands what they heard and brings in a verdict of guilty. Full Disclosure: I've know JP all his life and am a friend of his parents.
ReplyDeleteHere, Here! Thank you, thank you for all of your efforts. I agree, it's ridiculous to even think she can walk away innocent and it completely surprises me that a hung jury ever occorred. I am putting faith that the proper story was told and JPs murderer will be found guilty as we all know she is based on the information that has come forth. RIP JP, still think of you every day!
ReplyDeleteNora wasn't put on the stand by the defense so therefore she couldn't be asked by the prosecutor why she didn't call 911, or any other questions for that matter. The prosecutor, in the opening statements and during the trial and in the closing arguments, did bring up the fact that she never called 911.
ReplyDeleteIf you heard the defense attorney's opening statements, defense witnesses, and closing arguments, you could see how some jury members in the first trial might be swayed by his arguments of "reasonable doubt".
ReplyDeleteAnd perhaps some of the jury members in the first trial were sympathetic towards a female defendant facing a charge of murdering her husband, especially if the husband was not perceived in a good light (i.e, hiding at least 8 million dollars in an offshore account from her, living in a nice house in La Jolla while she lived in an apartment, etc.). This is just my speculation.
Nora was found guilty in the second trial. Sentencing next week
ReplyDeleteI just looked online at http://app4.lasd.org/iic/details.cfm and it says that her next court appearance is on 11/19/2009. Are you sure that sentencing is next week?
ReplyDeleteHer next court appearance is Nov. 19th for a motion for a new trial, other post trial motions by the defense and sentencing.
ReplyDeleteJust to be clear, she was found guilty of second degree murder?
ReplyDeleteAnd because the first jury found her not guilty of first degree murder, the second jury could not even consider a verdict of first degree murder, only second degree murder?
Wow!Nora was an intelligent person. This woman is very bright, watch out, this is far from over.
ReplyDeleteJP was a scumbag, but didn't deserve to die this way. I knew both and I know that Nora put up with alot of his shit. Does anybody know that he was arrested for domestic violence in San Diego for pulling a gun on Nora? I guess money can buy you anything! He was never charged and nobody knows anything about this incident that happened in La Jolla in 2006. JP was dirty!
ReplyDeleteNora Should Be in jail for the rest of her life. I'm sure JP's family and friends
ReplyDeletewould agree. This jury knew what they were doing...
We shall see. She probably would of skated if she used a self defense motive for shooting him. There is so much shit that JP put her through, that it would of been easy to convince a jury.
ReplyDeleteFinaly is she innocent?
ReplyDeleteThat's life you get what u give
ReplyDeleteNo she was found guilty
ReplyDeletei dont believe in that, i now she dont do it .she didnt kill him
ReplyDeleteare you sure is she guilty
ReplyDeleteYes I'm sure she was found guilty I was in court
ReplyDeleteY r u so sure she didn't kill him...there was no other evidence that indicated it wasent her
ReplyDeleteI was expecting some type of reaction of Nora when they read the verdict but there was none...people in the adience had more of a reaction then her...if I was in her shoes saying that I'm innocent and here a verdict of guilty I would cry do something not just sit there like I knew it was coming
ReplyDeleteShe was found guilty of second degree murder and the special enhancement that she personally discharged a firearm in the commission of the crime.
ReplyDeleteBut if she didn't do it, who did?
So does the special enhancement mean an additional 25 years to life will be added to the sentence for second degree murder?
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who, in the commission of a felony specified in subdivision (a), Section
246, or subdivision (c) or (d) of Section 12034, personally and intentionally discharges a firearm and proximately causes great bodily injury, as defined in Section 12022.7, or death, to any person other than an accomplice, shall be punished by an additional and consecutive term of imprisonment in the state prison for 25 years to life.
Hey is this Nora's sister?
ReplyDeleteLubomira Igova aka Mira Igova
Yes, she is Nora's syster, lived in Bulgaria.
ReplyDeleteWhere does Mira live now? Was she at the trial?
ReplyDeleteSadly, she is guilty as charged! We all know it.
ReplyDeletejp married nora so she wouldnt get kicked out of the country. not a real marriage. he should have signed a prenup and she would never have killed him. her father came to lajolla in february to help her kill jp and pressure nora to do it. he had raped nora earlier in her life and wanted jps money. sad.jp was dumb to go back and see her. he needed the sex. nora was working as a pro at the peninsula hotel to get cash because jp was less interested in her and gave her less money to pay for her cocaine habit. girl went beserko
ReplyDeletei warned him but his last words before he went to see her was like good luck in life. very strange, like he knew he was going to die. and he has alot more than 8 million...but nobody knows where it is. or do they?
ReplyDeleteThis is tragic all the way around. I haven't seen or heard anything very positive about JP other than what his family and a few friends had to say (and understandably they are biased). Everything seemed to point to the fact that he was a jerk to most people and certainly violent, including to Nora. Besides the comments made here about his violent behavior, it should be noted that he was convicted of spousal abuse. Having said that, no one should die over money. I'm sure JP drove Nora over the edge over money, with delight I may add, because that was his temperament, to control people with money. He should have paid her off, divorced her, and moved on rather than dangling the money carrot in front of her all the time. At the same time I don't condone her actions either. She should have hired the PI to find all the money, gotten a good divorce lawyer in Beverly Hills, and taken him to the cleaners like all good ex-wives do. Unfortunately this was a crime of passion, and the passion here was money.
ReplyDeleteShe's looking at 25 years to life plus another 10 years for using the firearm.
ReplyDeleteI was a close friend of Nora, I witnessed JP beating on her and abusing of her verbally numerous times. I witnessed JP taking drugs (pills) and constant going on mood binges and psyco trips. Nora is a very sweet intellegent bright nice girl. Just because she is young and beautiful and had a nasty repulsive psyco husband she is tagged as a criminal. A incident that happened, I even filed charges when JP had threaten myself after witnessing beating on her on the ground , him in top of her with his foot on her chest and hand around her head ready to snap her neck. Its amazing how I never got a call or any information back from the Police, even on any trial dates. Its amazing what money does behind the scenes to pay off and be let free. There should be at least the police report and the emergency call I made to the police at the time when He almost ran his Bentley in the building and was banging to let in the building. Remember when I would visit them, and JP would come to me and tell me all his sex escapades with all the numerous european sluts he spent his money and time with when he went to europe. ALL I CAN SAY IS THAT AFTER SO MANY THINGS OF WHAT WAS HEARD AND SAID ABOUT NORA'S SUFFERING AND MANIPULATIONS, BESIDES WHAT WAS SAID ABOUT PEOPLE NOT LIKING JP, I am so DISSAPOINTED TO HEAR THAT NORA IS EVEN GOING THROUGH THIS AND STILL SUFFER MORE BECAUSE OF HIM... NORA IS A STRONG PERSON BUT INSIDE SHE SUFFERS! IN CLOSE CONVERSATIONS I HAD WITH NORA, SHE WOULD SAY THAT SHE LOVED JP SO MUCH AND DIDN'T NEED NOTHING ELSE. MAY GOD LOOK OVER HER AND HELP HER...! I LOVE YOU NORA, I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR AMAZING HEART YOU HAVE , SENSITIVITY, AND SUCH AMAZING PERSON YOU ARE... WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS...
ReplyDeleteWhat a JOKE!!! Are you serious??? She was a prostitute, that's why he met her. Who is this C.W. guy and is he the reason she met JP????? The woman was a marksman and guns didn't enter JPs life until Nora did. She, herself was a coke loving european prostitue, as you put it above. She wanted money and nothing else - and she will get what is deserved alright. Thank you to the courts for finally seeing through all of this BULL-SHIT! JP was not perfect by any means, but I know for a fact he didnt' kill anyone. BOO HOO, poor Nora, soooo sensitive and amazing, ha - CRAP, she killed him, i have no sympathy for this. END OF STORY. Furthermore, if you are going to post something public, learn how to write proper english and spell check!
ReplyDeleteSpelllll my you know what mr.BOO HOO....Next time, if you post something public, learn how to respect other people.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is I can't believe someone didn't take care of JP a long time ago. He was an animal that preyed on peoples feelings and lives. He had no regards for anyone but himself. He was probably the most evil person I had the misfortune of knowing.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that all this is coming out now AFTER the trail. Did anyone go to the DA and Defense attorney with this information?
ReplyDeletenot to mention that JP took one of his "bodyguard/watchperson" , to europe to get rid of him. He set him up on the trip with him and then when He was there, he threw him over a bridge, guess what JP... He survived!!! (maybe he knew to much about JP) Talking about JP never doing something like this....????? C'mon... this ANIMAL was psycho and made NORA do many things she didn't want. Nora had mentioned at times that she was forced to have sex with him. SERIOUSLY, WHO WAS JP??? DO YOU EVEN KNOW? NORA DESERVES A CHANCE TO LIVE AND LIVE A NORMAL LIFE. THIS IS NOT FAIR AT ALL!
ReplyDeleteI am shocked.
ReplyDeleteAre Joan and Roy Ok?
At least I don't have to worry that he'll come back into my life. He's tried to find me so many time for the last 13 years. I can finally relax.
He was incredibly smart and unbelievably manipulative. He didn't start out as a bad person. Too much money, free time and not having to live by any of the rules ruined him. He was good to me and as soon as he wasn't, I left him and dissapeared. now I don't have to worry.
I don't even know how many children he had but I hope his family thrives in spite of his absence.
JP was extremely smart and generous to those he cared for, but i have witnessed his temper. I am quite sure he drove that woman over the edge, who would figure this to be the out come. please inform any current info.. Any updates on the trial?
ReplyDeleteCan people protest? Can anyone or the people do anything about starting this trial from the beginning? This is definitely a hollywood movie. How can this go big? How can we the people do something about this? Having more evidence like this can help this young girl, I wonder how many cases are like this... what a shame.
ReplyDeleteEVIDENCE?????? This is all hear say, are you people NUTS???? I can sit here and write anything I want and you people will believe it. AMAZING! I am really getting sick of the POOR Nora crap. THE WOMAN KILLED someone. Whether he was good or not, he is DEAD and can't defend himself. I think you are right, we should start this from the beginning so that we can get her for FIRST DEGREE!
ReplyDeleteOne other question, if Nora is so innocent and wonderful and amazing, why isn't she standing up and telling her sad, sad story to the jury? Ask yourself that question????
ReplyDeleteChristina is that your post about him looking for you?
ReplyDeleteWhat I'd like to know is why did Nora sleep with a gun under her pillow when she and JP lived in San Diego (according to the housekeeper who testified)???!!!
ReplyDeleteWas Nora's father in the Bulgarian Mafia???!!!
ReplyDeleteHe must have a have a lot of money to be paying a private attorney for 2 trials.
ReplyDeleteAnyone have a guess as to what it would cost for a top defense attorney for 2 murder trials, including all the pre-trial work?
ReplyDeletewho cares if Nora's family has there own or borrowed monies, what do you care about and how they got money to pay attorney for her daughter? Wouldn't you do the same for your daughter? You think JP was the only one that can afford anything? U must of been in with JP. obvious! maybe you were sleeping with him too. He would do anything in site. What a animal he was. Really. I feel no compassion for him. He was a real pig. Yes, he appeared nice and smart, but you should really see his dark sides... WOW! Nora LOVED JP, She tried her best. He ruined her life for ever! He really screwed her head up big time! Eventually everything in this world catches up sooner or later...
ReplyDeletewell... one less corrupted person in this world I'll say. Unfortunately, always the innocent has to pay for the corrupt. I have a gut feeling Nora is innocent and should get a chance. But, say she killed this pig, She made society a favor. Maybe I can think and I am sure she was either protecting herself or simply she had it with been harassed and abused, that is if she even did it. I hope she gets a second chance, and F%^*&*# all you haters!
ReplyDeleteLast I checked Nora is still alive and JP isn't. Funny, I don't feel compassion for a murderer. You are right he did do anything, including your precious Nora. Clearly she saw good in him otherwise I would suspect that a sweet, smart, nice girl like her would have never gotten involved with him otherwise, right???? OR, did she see the bad and didn't care cause she saw the money, which meant a lot more??? Oh, and wasn't your precious Nora a $100 an hour call girl. I have to say I don't know any good women that are hookers......enough said! Oh one last thing, I am pretty sure she ruined his life, as he no longer has one...........
ReplyDeleteSome more info from the trial:
ReplyDeleteThe gun that was used in the murder, a 9mm semi automatic handgun, was purchased by and registered to Nora in 1999. The gun was found in her panty drawer in her bedroom. The slide lock on the gun was back, indicating the gun had been fired and had run out of ammunition. There were live bullets found all over her bedroom (on the bed, the floor, on the dresser and in the dresser). It appeared that her gun was loaded in haste and that's why live bullets were dropped all over her bedroom. A box of live bullets (and a box of shotgun shells) was found on a shelf in her bedroom closet. The live bullets found in her bedroom were the same as those that were fired from the murder weapon.
JP was undressing and had his pants and shorts down to his knees when he was shot (either getting ready to go to sleep or to have sex with Nora). The prosecution theorized that JP was first shot in the stomach, then he fell to the floor, then he tried to get up (his blood was smeared on the wall and doorframe of the guest bedroom), then he was on his hands and knees, then he was shot 6 more times. JP was found lying face down in a pool of his own blood with his pants and shorts down to his knees, his bare bottom exposed.
ReplyDeleteGood, a disgraceful death for a disgraceful animal!
ReplyDeleteThank you for showing your true colors, clearly a friend of Nora's. Birds of a feather.....
ReplyDeleteI was wondering why Nora didn't change her last name to Lipson when she married JP. So you're saying she needed a green card and JP married her so she could stay in the United States. That makes sense now, why she didn't change her last name.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
"jp married nora so she wouldnt get kicked out of the country. not a real marriage."
Some more info from the trial:
ReplyDeleteNora had a Lincoln Continental and a Bentley. JP had the keys to Nora's Bentley in his pants pocket when he died. Remember, JP was dropped off at the Peninsula hotel at 3:30 pm and his friend left with JP's Bentley. JP was left without a car. JP then had lunch with Nora at the Peninsula. The prosecution theorized that at some time after leaving the Peninsula, JP went to Nora's apartment, took Nora's Bentley and left. Then Nora called JP on his cell phone at 10:21 pm and at some time before midnight JP came back to her apartment and was shot and killed just after midnight.
The defense attorney countered:
Who says that JP could take Nora's Bentley from her? Just because he had the keys in his pocket?
(FYI, the defense attorney told me that both JP's Bentley and Nora's Bentley were leased.)
who is the friend that took JPs car and why did he take his car? Kind of sounds like a setup.....
ReplyDeleteThe friend who took JP's Bentley has the initials C.W. (I'm withholding his name for privacy). The friend testified in the first trial, but apparently was unavailable to testify in the retrial. So I don't know if there was any information as to why he took JP's Bentley. Like I said, the prosecutor in the retrial theorized that JP intended to take Nora's Bentley. That's why the friend left JP without a car and that's why JP had the keys to Nora's Bentley in his pants pocket when he died.
ReplyDeleteTo clarify the above post, the friend C.W. did not testify in the first trial either. The attorneys stipulated to what he would have testified to had he been available.
ReplyDeleteYou would think that C.W. would have had more information for the jury to hear, other than what was in the stipulation!
ReplyDeleteMy gut tells me there is a lot more to this C.W. person and it is a little surprising that he wasn't part of either trial.
ReplyDeleteFYI Nora owned her own Bently. The car was in her name and her name was on the title. I really don't know why there is alot of ingorant people that judge her without knowing facts. If indeed she killed him, that SOB deserved it.
ReplyDeleteJP took alot of drugs. He was a professional conartist who took people's money. He couldn't do business in the state of Colorado for trying to fuck someone over. His own Bodygards didn't like him and feared him. This Monster was finally stopped by someone who had the balls to stand up to him.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, WOW! Way to throw stones in glass houses. If we must go this route, from my understanding Nora was a hooker, a cocaine addict, who married JP so that she could stay in this country (as many of you have mentioned, not a "REAL" marriage, thank god) and then hired a private investigator to find JPs money that clearly didn't belong to her, since it wasn't a "REAL" marriage. Yeah, she sounds like a saint. Now, as if it matters, but if it's true that Nora owned this car (bentley) do you know who paid for it? Sounds like she didn't considering she bounced a check with the private investigator. One more item to note, I think you should get your facts in order before you start discussing his dealings in Colorado or anywhere else for that matter.
ReplyDeleteHey, what about Nora's second husband Lue from Denver? What happened to him?
ReplyDeleteI don't know. Maybe she shot him too?! j/k
ReplyDeleteThe ole Lipper.
ReplyDeleteSorry but I laughed out loud when I read that he died with his pants around his ankles and his bare ass facing north. Many people I know, and I knew him for over 35 years, would have somehow added a broom handle to that visual.
I'll let you guess where.
I would say rest in peace Lipper but there is no peace when Lucifer is giving you a hot lava enema 24/7. I promised to piss on his grave if he died first and unfortunately I didnt get the chance......Sorry little buddy.
This is a perfect example of what people think about JP. You may form your own opinion about how he lived, but he really fucked people over. I have inside sources that told me he was also a killer. I met JP in 2006 and knew he was a crooked business man. It doesn't matter now, we can move on knowing he is paying for his sins.
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody know how much time Nora is getting?
ReplyDeleteShe hasn't been sentenced yet. Her next court appearance is 11-19-09 for a motion for a new trial, other post trial motions by the defense and sentencing.
ReplyDeleteI'm not an attorney, but according to what I've read at the links below, she is facing 15 years to life for second degree murder, plus an addional 25 years to life for the special enhancement that she personally discharged a firearm in the commission of the crime.
Apparently JP get sued for over a million dollars in 2004 by the law firm Hogan and Hartson. I wonder what that was about?
April 26, 2004
Registration of Judgment for Enforcement in Another District by plaintiff Hogan and Hartson; Judgment filed on 3/1/04 in District of Colorado in favor of pla Hogan and Hartson against dft J.P. Lipson in amount $1,386,868.00 plus interest accuring from date of judgment (jah) (Entered: April 27, 2004)
January 21, 2005
Satisfaction of Judgment as to defendant J P Lipson (lmh) (Entered: January 24, 2005)
I saw a document on Nora from Colorado that had her last name as Drand. Does anybody know about this last name?
ReplyDeleteDrand was from Bulgaria. Good looking man, like Alain Delon.
ReplyDeleteI googled "Nora Drand" and found that there is a Nora Drand from La Jolla, CA who owes the state $261,878.73 in taxes:
San Diegans, Celebs Top State Tax Scofflaws
Updated 2:20 PM PDT, Fri, Apr 10, 2009
Some San Diego County residents -- and stars like Burt Reynolds -- are on a list of the California's biggest tax scofflaws released by the state franchise tax board.
Local residents on the list include Michelle M. Quinn of Oceanside, who owes nearly $1.7 million, San Diegan Jovina A. Flores ($360,003.38), Moises Pacheco of Chula Vista ($350,927.09), Stephen R. Miller of Fallbrook ($317,904.38), El Cajon's Michael J. Pettiford ($313,163.21), Nora I. Drand of La Jolla ($261,878.73),
I also googled "Nora I Drand" and found this:
Delinquent TaxpayersCalifornia Revenue & Taxation Code Section 19195 directs the Franchise Tax Board to publish an annual list of the top 250 taxpayers with liened state income tax delinquencies greater than $100,000. Before we publish the list, we mail each taxpayer who may potentially be on the list, a certified letter, return receipt requested. The letter provides them an opportunity to voluntarily settle their liability.
Nora I Drand
La Jolla, CA 92037
$261,878.73 Personal income tax 08/14/2008
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