
Benny The Rat Has A Rogue On His Hands

African Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo is the bad guy. Married and getting laid and has a following that getting it too. Oh my that is trouble! This piece is actually an interesting read because it's bizarre. The issue is easily explained by the Vatican with useful words like these.

full communion
Supreme Pontiff
spirit of paternal solicitude
The Holy See
ecclesial communion
doctrinal orthodoxy

I suppose this makes a lot of sense to some who think they're supposed to give a shit because some important robe told him he had to or else.

This shit is so fucked up and Islam has got nothing on the crazy's Christianity shits out. Would this have been swept under the rug if it had been boys instead of women?


  1. I so agree.

    Why doesn't everyone see it?

    Keep it coming!


    This shit is so fucked up and Islam has got nothing on the crazy's Christianity shits out.

  2. There's three 'religions' of the 'book': Judaism, Xianity, and Islam. They are all, to one extent or another, patriarchal death cults. It might make a weaker soul wonder if there might indeed be something in Plato's distrust of writing...

  3. I never did get the whole 'robe' worship thing Tom!

  4. Having been to a defrocking for years.

  5. This is odd but I've heard about this character for awhile. I think there's another wild man of the cloth in D.C. who's sharing his priestly power with women. I've known a few priests who've spread the legs of female flockees. They say there's something about a man in a uniform which is quite sensuous. Who knows? These people are stranger than bad science fiction.

  6. no, it would have been actively hidden, and the priests transferred if it were boys instead of women.
