
People Aren't Thirsty No More

Bottled water sales dry up, industry asks ‘why?’

Could never quite understand this phenomena but it made many a fortune and was a marketing success. It was strange to me to see so many walking around with their various types of bottles a perpetual nipple they can not let go of. Personally I don't have a problem with drinking tap water and that's one nice thing about this country and that is our water for the most part is safe to drink.

Also tired of having to continually pick these partly filled bottles up it seems like all the time. Then I hear "where's my water bottle" like I'm responsible for it. I just say it got thrown away. Don't give a shit about your dumb ass association with a bottle that probably has tap water in it anyway. If it's so important to you keep track of it and make damn sure you don't leave it laying around for someone else to deal with. I'm not your momma!

It's Friday- have a good one. Thanks for checking up and don't take any shit!


  1. Let's say the average cost of a 16oz bottle of water costs $1.50. That's $12 a gallon, and people willingly pay it, but bitch about paying $4 a gallon for gasoline, that has to be sucked out of a desert or miles down at the bottom of an ocean, shipped around the world, refined, separated and shipped all around the country to a neighborhood near you.

  2. I know people who are addicted to this marketers' wet dream. Between expensive, snobby coffees and bottled water they must spend 300-400 bucks a month. Throw in some designer attire and they are walking billboards of shit-for-brains. And I'll drink my Portland tapwater to that.

  3. Tom you are a hoot!! Thanks for the laugh!

  4. considering most of the water in the bottles is tap water - that is a hefty profit margin
