
The 69 Killed Was Overshadowed

Now that the shock has worn off a bit with Haiti I want to not forget about the 69 deaths in Mexico in one day. 26 of these were in Ciudad Juarez alone. This is and has been out of control and is getting worse.

The raging battle between rival drug gangs also reached a gruesome new low as a murder victim in the northern city of Los Mochis had his face sliced off and stitched onto a football.

And here you have this abortion happening.


  1. Ya See? These guys don't need new information they already are " so damned sure they know " what's the correct answer: More Law and Order, More Jails, More Brutality. Having travelled in Mexico for decades it pains me to see its' overwhelming physical beauty destroyed by the ugliness of its' overwhelming poverty and corruptness. It is not an unusual history lesson, though. So it goes...

  2. There are still 100s of dry counties left over from prohibition, mostly in the South, my county was dry until about 20 years ago, (before I moved here), I can buy beer or wine, but if I need something a little stronger, it's a trip to the county-line packaging store. So, expect this struggle to accept new laws, there will probably pot free counties springing up, hope your is not one of them.
