
Service Fees From Banks For Haiti

From a friend today- here's da link you betcha

Long story short is that credit card companies make a rule of taking up to 3% of every dollar we all donate to disaster relief- so, just as we are all reaching out to help our fellow humans in Haiti, the banks reach out to take an undeserved cut. AAARRGGH! They should be ashamed.

Please use the link below to sign a petition to prevent banks from charging "service fees" on charitable contributions- we need to get back to some basic human values here.
Thanks! Peace. jen


  1. Yeah, I love that JP Morgan donated a cool million to Haiti. The next day they posted profits of 1.3 billion. How much did those fuckers get in the US taxpayers bailiout, 25 billion?

    A World Bank loan of 1.2 billion to Haiti was forgiven six months ago. Guess they met the poverty standard because about 80% of the population makes $2 a day. The wealthy don't pay income taxes and the country has been in debt since they bought their freedom in about 1804 (?)

  2. Sprint has been making a bundle off people who have been donating through text services. Lovely.

  3. Please read Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine and this will all make perfect sense from a bankers point of view. The weasels.

  4. Check out Nunya's post on this today.

    Don't anybody forget for a second that this country of ours overthrew a democratically elected president and lied their fucking asses off about it with the help of our whore media the exception Democracy Now and other lefty web sites.

  5. We have screwed Haiti over for many decades and many times now we can make it right I hope. It really bothers me those asses are Capitalizing off this. They should do it for free and I thought they were by now. I remember signing a petition a few days back.
