
Braniacs Confirm What's Been Know For Decades

And this is supposed to be fucking news!

Laws against cannabis have failed to cut its use around the world and have led to policies that are intrusive, socially divisive and expensive. "Prohibitionist policies not only fail to meet their objectives but have inflicted significant social harms in the process,"

If you fuckers have all the answers why aren't you writing and screaming at the whored out politicians to stop this insanity called the "Drug War"? They are the ones responsible for this decades old debacle. Tens of millions are not criminals and never should have been classified as such but this shit still continues.

Please can we have some common sense here! Think we're going to get this changed anytime soon?

Forget about it and the fact of the matter is that it probably going to get worse.


  1. I'm with you.

    It's such an easy target for people who can't shoot (or think) straight.

    Thanks for reminding the world about what is really going on.


  2. Thanks Suzan. I understand there's a bunch of bitching and moaning that goes on here and that won't change much. But years of the same with no change and with time running out nice is over. People should know this this and been demanding change as we have . It's not going to be allowed. I do despise those who can make the change for not doing so or at least trying or how about a discussion. Not going to happen not even the discussion.

  3. It's the Revenue from seizures and fines and kickbacks and political contributions from the Prison Guard Unions. Los Angeles City Council is shutting down drug dispenseries- Take the time to understand the Prison-Industial Complex from the building of prisons to the staffing, etc. Remember: The U.S. has 5% of the world's population but 23.5% of the world's prisoners. What the Fascists cannot monopolize thru Selected corporations they punish thru the Police State apparatus. It's just good business policy. Savvy??? If you likes the cops you're go to love the next 20 years.

  4. Good Luck with using Academic Peer Reviewed studies to get anything thru Congress or the State Legislatures. The shelves of entire buildings in University cities are filled with great ideas, collecting dust. Politicians don't like smart people they like money.

  5. Camperrunamok - you are absolutely correct. This war on drugs BS has consumed countless resources (both people and money) and yet we are no closer to solving this problem than we were 30 years ago. (Once again, thank you, Raygun.) Make it legal, regulate it and tax it. That way we have money coming in, instead of going out.
