
Please Welcome A New Contributor To OTC

Update 8/18/10  This piece of shit ripped me off for $150. You think you know a person and help them out so much and they come back and do this to you. This is the only remnent left of this common thief and I hope it comes around for him.

Dave Fisher Oak Creek,Colorado 

A common thief -seems nice enough but underneath you will find a human piece of shit!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. man, alot goin on here this week. You guys are a busy group and I like it. What not to like when you get a biker, a golfer? (the jury's still out) and a camper? (code for someone who hearts the stuff that alot of people are in jail for) because our gov't can't figure out how to tax it. Keep the crazy comin'!

  3. That's one of the nicer comments I/we ever received. Thanks Russ.
