
Giving Abortion Providers Killers Credibility

In this case it's the Des Moines Whore Register which at one time was one of the best but now like so many just another piss poor fish wrapper.

Yea da cornfield a hot bed of religious and tea bag nuttery that is for damn sure!

Leach, who has been labeled an extremist by abortion supporters and who once reprinted a how-to "Army of God" manual that includes instances of abortion clinic violence, attended the trial in Wichita this week.

A supporter of this latest and past killers says he doesn't think violence will increase against these innocent people and is an opportunity to make buddies with each other.

My ass you lying sack of shit and paper that's worth as much as a feed lot corn cob.

These people have killed for years and will continue to do so. The message is that the killers and those against abortion are trying not to kill anymore but they still promote the hate.

It gives a message to all the anti-abortionists that the terrorists that kill in their name maybe won't do that because they are better now.

It gives them justification to pursue a dogma that says they want control over people that is based on what an invisible cloud being who snapped his fingers a few times told them.



  1. Iowa has always been a churched state: fundys, pentacostals,evangelicals you name it. The Register was once a great paper with 7 Pulitzer Prize winners in the 60's working there. Now not so much. Another thing lost. They always had very high distribution costs to cover the entire state. The last time I saw it the thing looked puny. The Rapid Peters Gazette in eastern Iowa is a much better paper today. Maybe the DMRs' base is so rural now they have to pander to the conservatives to stay afloat.

  2. They actually still consider themselves Christians. Oh yeah right you fucking assholes.

    Nothing validates killing..nothing.

    Meeting their fucking Maker would be something I would love to be a fly on the wall for, these sick bastards will never see the inside of their 'heaven'.
