
Blair Should Hang Twice For the Shit He Said Today

How many times have we heard the same thing. Not only from Blair but Bush the killer as well. Oh yeah Saddam was a really bad guy Blair says and then spits out 911. Of course he has no regrets because if he did that would mean a mistake was made and little British pricks like this man just do not make mistakes you see.

We have all heard the same story a 1000 times before and of course it will remain the same. Why was this little piece of pig shit give this venue to say the identical thing? That's easy because these sons of bitches are being allowed to rewrite history.

I thank and admire all those in the UK who protested this sorry excuse for a human being and hope that someday in the future it will come around for him and Bush like it did for Saddam.


  1. There was one guy waiting for him but when interviewed said the coward snuck in the back door! We all remember the Browning memos. I can not believe scum like him bush rove and Cheney can lie straight faced and grin when we know they are lying!

  2. Hi Jim-they can all smirk because they know full well they will never be held accountable. They knew it as soon as killer Bush took office in 2000. We will never get that.

  3. Blair "no regrets"
    Audience "you are a murderer"


  4. If the Iraq Inquiry Blair testified to today, had any teeth whatsoever, believe me he wouldn't have done it. It's a toothless whitewash.

  5. Holte- I watched it for 45 minutes and it was pretty weak stuff. The comments from people protesting online and outside the building were " spot on ". The people know.

  6. Shame is powerful, very powerful. Blair and Bush have to live with what they did and just like those that administered the ovens at Dachau they will either be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity and pay for their crimes and at least have some solace in being held accountable or live with the shame. I believe that being held accountable is to light a sentence were they to be tried and sentenced but I also believe that living every day without going to court for their crimes is a fitting sentence. Time will tell.

  7. Hear hear!

    Bring out the torches and commence their march to the guillotine.

    With a respectful bow to the French!

